- Liar -

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"So.. how old are you Y/n?"
"I'm eighteen."
"Ha bullshit! Your much younger than that."
"Well.. I'm close enough."— Risotto stopped cleaning the gun while Melone gulped down the lump in his throat.
"So you're telling me, that your not eighteen and you're here in the arms of the boss."
"Um.. well how old is D-"
"Shh! The boss is twenty.. Listen kid, how old are you? Hmm?"
"Risotto I'm seventeen. But my birthday is coming up.."
"Yeah I call that bullshit too. You're sixteen aren't you?"
"I- no."

Risotto got up and paced around in the hallway before returning to grab Melone into the other room, when the purple haired man came back he slouched on the couch with his foot resting on his knee and nodded at the tall tan man, "keep her here without any problems, one scratch on her and I'll cut your tongue out and feed it to Satan.." Risotto said shooting invisible daggers at the pale man. "Who's S-Satan Ris?.." "You haven't met the bosses dog yet huh? Well you're in for a surprise, stay out of trouble I'll be back."

Once the front door shut Melone let out a huff of air as he tilted his head towards you, in a moment you both locked eyes for an intense minute until he spoke up.

"Look.. teddy bear, how old are ya?"
"I'm serious I'm seventeen."
"No kid you look younger, this is serious."
"What do I have to do to convince you? Aren't there like Romeo and Juliet laws? And consent here is 15."
"Whoa kid you thinking about sleeping with the boss?"
"No! That's not what I'm saying.. I'm not interested really, but I am interested in him romanticlly."— Melone took a drag out of his blunt as he nodded in agreement.
"Oh young girls like you are into killers now? That's what's hot now? You know what I think you are? I think your fucked in the head kid! Haha Di Molto! I like you kid, also Risotto wanted you to keep practicing so pick up that gun and let's gooo"

— Risotto's POV —

This girl mysteriously appeared in the arms of the boss, little does she know is the big shit pile she's going to be in here real soon. Yet to be quite frank I'm deeply disappointed in Y/n and how she lied to his face like that.

Risotto pulled up to your drive way and opened the front door startling your mother from her afternoon drinks, she spilled the cocktail onto the white carpet and placed her cigarette on the ash tray before trying to attack the tall man, he used Metallica to strip her body away from its iron and then left her on the floor withering in pain as she hollered out.
"You son of a bitch! W-where is she?!"
To which Risotto didn't reply he just stared at her before going to grab a hand full of her hair and make her wale in pain.

"Where do you keep your documentations on Y/n? Tell me right now or I'll be taking your limbs one by one."

Down in the woman's room was a file cabinet that had important papers such as passports, diplomas, car and house payments and of course birth certificate along with an old gray hard stock paper, it was a marriage license that was dated awhile back. I picked up the second birth certificate and read it.. "Y/n M/n L/n, born 7-20th 20___ in Italy. Her mother is Italian yet her father is in a unknown location and has no current whereabouts yet is half Japanese half American, Y/n is seventeen and soon will turn eighteen."

Risotto put the other papers back yet kept all the documentation on you, as he closed the cabinet a picture fell from a folder, it was Y/n as a child particularly five years old and along side was her mother standing in front of a zoo. Risotto walked back out to the living room were she was still in pain sitting on the couch trying to get up.

"So.. Madam Luciana, you know what's happening with Y/n? I bet you don't so pay close attention and listen, I want you to forget she ever existed which I'm sure you'll do anyways, your a scum Bitch so do what your good for, secondly I want you to report her as dead and identify a body in the next seventy two hours.. fail to complete that and I'll come back and kill you. Do you understand or are you too drunk to even listen?"— the woman nodded.— "Good, speak of this and I swear to which ever god you pray to.. you'll pray you've never been born."

And with that Risotto was away to collect the rest of the gang.


Melone sat on a lawn chain smoking his blunt while watching you practice away, after awhile and a joint later the man was too stoned to do anything else but laugh from time to time, you placed the gun away and returned to grab the smelly man, the both of you stumbled into a guest bedroom and sat there watching TV as you laid Melone down with a blanket you changed into a oversized baby pink hoodie and snuggled up next to him.

"You know Melone.. you are right, I am fucked in the head and I have fallen in love with a killer.. supposedly. I-I always tried to be different and for so long I've wanted death and here he c-comes bringing that opportunity to me.. and I-.."— you started to sob as you explained to the smoked out guy knowing he wouldn't remember the information told to him. As the movie kept playing you drifted off to sleep waiting for his return.

As time flew by the sun had finally set and the TV had been on the static screen for quite some time, as you were still asleep you could feel Melone's steady breathing and his hand on your shoulder, the door downstairs slammed shut and then followed by someone scolding. A knock on the door somewhat startled you in your sleep making you sit up groggily while rubbing your eyes looking in the dim room to whom was at the door.

"R-Risotto?.. is that you?"
"What are you doing? And what's that smell?"
"I-I don't know.. haha, my head is spinning.."— he walked to the door of the bed and picked you up like a toddler who just awoke from a nap.
"I'm hungry.."
"He didn't feed you huh?"

He placed you down at the kitchen table while a whole group of men laid back starring at you, they distributed pizza and cold drinks not mentioning anything until a blue haired man spoke. "So.. Diavolo's niece?" "No.. Diavolo's guest treat her with respect and watch what comes out of your filthy mouths." As you looked down at the hot pizza on your plate your hand shook a bit while trying to grab it yet it felt like it was running away from you, in your hoodie pocket was the phone Diavolo left you with, you picked it up along with your pizza and stumbled to the bathroom.

"Mia Farfalla.. what's wrong?"
"Dia.. I- I can't really breathe hah.. ah everything is spinning.."— you spoke in a slur.
"Hang on I'll be there soon, where are you right now and what are you doing?"
"Pizza.. in the bathtub. H-help..ahh."

As time passed there was loud yelling from downstairs and then silence, approached footsteps came to the closed door and revealed Diavolo standing there with a worrisome attitude, he picked you up and brought you outside with a water bottle, he wrapped his coat around you as you sat in his lap on the swing time from time taking sips of water, Diavolo took a deep breath and sort of hesitated to speak.

"Y/n.. your high is coming down now and I want you to be honest with me.."
"Why did you lie to me? Your seventeen?"
"I-I'm sorry I just, I didn't know what else to say.. how old are you?"
"Twenty.. and also whatever Melone gives you don't take it, he's a complete Idiota, your birthday is coming up so in the meantime you'll stay in my room and I'll be in the guest room."
"I didn't take anything.. he was just around me.."

Diavolo tucked you in and kissed your check goodnight, a few hours later and you sat up with wide eyes something scared you in the night, your feet hit the cool carpet as you snuck out into the bedroom down the hall, inside was Diavolo asleep; you climbed up in bed and hugged him softly.

"You know what Melone said? He told me that I was fucked in the head for falling in love with you, a killer. Is that what you are? Do you live up to your name? Diavolo.. do you think I'm fucked in the head? Will you love me.. I never really admitted it out loud but I'm completely addicted to you and I'm broken.. don't leave me."— you whispered close to his ear, he turned and faced you while wiping your tears.

"Farfalla.. it's going to be okay, rest now we have a job to do in the morning."



Have a problem? Lmk in the DM's this will all line up with the story so. Also I want to state when Fiction stays Fiction, if any story alters your sense of mind and morals please.. click off and get help! 💖

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