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"Hey kiddo, wake up you'll be late."
"Mm? Five more minutes please.."
"C'mon on now, I won't say it again."

Risotto got up and left to use the bathroom as you rolled over and sat up, cringing at the bright light in the room, once he left the bathroom you walked in and did your business followed by brushing your hair and washing your face, once down stairs he finished pouring a glass of apple juice and a warm plate of delicious scrambled eggs with toast and jelly, as he sat down you dragged yourself to the table and plopped down gaining enough energy to stretch and pick up your cup.

"What bothered you last night Kiddo?"
"Oh nothin.. girly mood swings I guess."— Risotto looked up with a serious look.
"Do we need to swing by the store? I forgot to even ask if you needed products, forgive me. We can do it after school."

They way he apologized made your heart melt, he was a tough scary man with a golden heart, after breakfast you hopped into the front seat and waited for him to come out. "I'll pick you up at 3:30 don't be late or else I'll leave you." He said as he booped your nose. "Hey Risotto.. I love you, thank you for being a male figure in my life... I'm not sure why, but I had an urge of telling you that." You turned to hug him as he stood there, shocked, to hear such a thing tugged at his heart, he hugged you back closing his eyes shut, and with that you were off to the school doors. "I love you too kiddo.."

"Oo kiddo your dad is so hot."
"Del don't say that! Oh wow..!"
"Eh it's cool, everyone tells me that, to bad I didn't get his hot genes"- you fake pouted.
"Girl you're smoking hot, speaking of smoking anyone wanna take a hit? It's cherry flavored!"- Nisha waved the slim cylinder in your face, tempting you with the cherry flavored gas.
"Ah fuck it, one hit and that's it.. I can't be high when in class I start dosing off."

As you took a hit your phone buzzed several times, giving Fae the battery you unlocked your phone to see 3 missed calls and 8 messages all from Diavolo.

"Hey, I'm sorry what I said please don't be mad"
"Where are you? Wanna meet up?"
"Kiddo... I miss you."
"Y/n baby, I'm sorry I was busy, I'm free now."

The last message made your stomach flip and your face red, you didn't know if it was by being embarrassed, the smoke was hitting or you were thinking lewdly.

"Send me a picture of you in the stall... ;)"

The girls were going back to the home room as you said you needed to handle business, running into the farthest stall you locked it and placed your backpack on the hook, you opened your camera and looked at your chest soon unbuttoning the white collar shirt slipping it over your head, your bra uplifted your breast and the golden chain really made your collarbones pop, as you took the first photo you phone made a loud noise as someone just stepped into the restroom.

"So.. who's the schools whore? Where are youuu?"

Footsteps where approaching as the mysterious girl was closing in, you lifted your feet and prayed that she'd give up, but just before she got to your stall another voice came from the door, "Young lady! Get to class right this instant!" Soon the bathroom was empty, as you took a breath of relief you put your shirt back on and sent the pictures to him texting..

"Almost got caught taking these.. your welcome btw. "
"Wow, amazing.. you're making me excited."
"Haha so I see.. can I see? 👀"

After you sent that text, you slipped pass class and into an empty classroom, your phone vibrated and as you unlocked your phone your face was flushed with blood, it felt hot underneath your clothes and your legs shook. Soon Diavolo started writing provocative things and you texted him back the same way until..

"An empty classroom, I'm kinda tired."
"Touch yourself for me. "
"What? Right now? In school?"
"Yeah, that's hot."

As you were about to slither your hand close to your area the door knob started to rattle, you grabbed your things and hit under the teachers desk, the classroom you were in was used as storage but you and the girls always met up in the place since you all hid the key near by, but how did someone else know where the key was? Was it them? You stayed quiet underneath holding your breath until you started feeling a bit drowsy, a hand came from no where and yanked you out from under the desk holding a handkerchief over your mouth and nose sending you into a panic soon the room went dark.

"Yeah we got the girl,, I repeat we got the girl. Let's move out fellas."

No one flinched an eye when the guards walked out of the room and up to the office, the girls caught an eye and watched from afar when they realized they exited from the empty classroom. They all ran into the room and saw how the desk had been flipped over yet in the corner was left behind someone's phone, Fae walked up to it and picked it up holding the glittery pink silicone case realizing that the phone belonged to Y/n.

"We have to go! We have to tell her dad someone took her!"
"C'mon Delora!"
"Wait I can't really run fast in platforms!"

The girls all ran to the busses trying to catch the fastest one so they would be able to meet up with Risotto considering he picks you up normally after school just outside of town before leaving to the country side. As the bus stopped they all rushed out and started heading for the sign noticing a black SUV parked waiting, inside the drivers side was Risotto, patiently waiting for Y/n to return.


"Miss.. miss.. Y/n! Hello can you hear me?"
Where am I? Why do I feel so.. I feel so high yet I know I haven't smoked or snorted.. this voice. I don't know it."
"Girl seems to be in stable condition and is returning to a conscious mind."
"H-hello..? Where am I?"
"Hello Y/n. Do not panic you are in safe hands, we are hear to discuss some things with you, are you okay with that?"

You mind was sort of spinning but it was enough to handle, the man in front of you was hard to see considering how dark it was in the cold room, in front of him was a clipboard and some files, as you tried to move your hair way from your face you realized that your arms have been cuffed behind you.

"Now.. is your name Y/n L/n?"
"When was the last time you've been in this house?"— he pulled out a picture of your old home, that's when things finally hit you.
"I- I don't know.."
"Do you know this woman?"— your heart sank at the sight of the woman in the photo.
"Y-yes. That's my mom.."
"Mmh correct, where have you been since leaving Madam Luciana's home?"
"I-.. I've been around."
"So it apparently seems that someone had tried silencing your mother in reporting you as missing, instead she tried reporting you dead but this was completely false, you are living with that someone correct?"
"I- I don't understand I left on m-my own.."

The man adjusted himself in his seat and pulled out a few papers along with photos attached.

"Well to refresh your memory this is a memo your mother had left with us, it says "On June xx 2020 my daughter Y/n L/n had left with a man I was not familiar with, I thought she just ran off for a few days but when days turned into weeks I knew something had gone wrong, when I started panicking the same man showed up in my home and assaulted me, he stole Y/n documentations and birth certificate and stated that if I wasn't to report her as dead in the next day or so and I quote "I'll make you pray to whichever god you worship that you'd never been born." End statement."— he swiftly threw the photo right in front of you, the man in the photo surely made your heart sink and eyes water..

In a panic of not knowing what to say the room started turning black and soon the lights where shut off, you passed out due to the questioning and being under extreme pressure.

"Well when she wakes up will get some answers.."



Also so sorry for this long ass chapter.😖

Happiness is a butterfly. Diavolo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now