- Bang -

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Sleeping on a softer bed in a open house just felt different, it was calming especially during the summer in Italy; the bird's chirping early morning and the sound of familiar buzzing brought back memories of playing in the river as a child. As the hazy thoughts lingered in your mind you thought of the night before, patting the bed beside you looking for the pink haired man yet his frame wasn't anywhere around you, the sun hit your face ever so gently pulling the sheets back your dress had been taken away and replaced with Diavolo's dress shirt.

"I wonder where he ran off to."
As the words slipped out into the air a strong presence was around you without thinking to much you hopped out of bed and walking into the bathroom, meanwhile on the toilet you heard the door shutting downstairs and footsteps inside came Diavolo opening the curtains more and picking up discarded clothing on the floor into the hamper until he spotted you washing your hands.

"Buongiorno mia piccola farfalla, did you rest well last night?"
"Buongiorno, yes I did sleep well grazie, where did you go this mattina?"
"Come farfalla, I have things for you downstairs."

Once downstairs there were a ton of bags from different places on the living room coffee table and couch, some bags were cosmetic items others were full of brand new clothing, shoes and undergarments. As you went through the items Diavolo sat back in his recliner and observed quietly with a small smirk creeping up on his black colored lips.
He helped put the items away and began cooking breakfast while you sat on the kitchen counter fiddling with a little cat magnet on his fridge; he set down warm fluffy blueberry pancakes with cream and a glass of milk along with fresh strawberries down on the table ready to enjoy.

"Do you like cooking?"
"I didn't at first I only cooked for myself but now I think I wouldn't mind cooking for you Mia Cara."
"It's delicious! Grazie amore mio."— he smiled as you both ate with silence in the air.

"Y/n.. today and tomorrow I wouldn't be around, Risotto will be here to care for you while I'm away and while I'm away you shall learn how to handle a firearm. Fai del tuo meglio alright?"
"Oh, you were serious.. well okay I'll do my best but what about work? I have to show up tomorrow, and my mother.."— you said with a frown
"Well. The only thing I can say is that you must quit your jobs and mi scusi per averlo detto.. you can't return back home. This is your new home Y/n."

— Y/n's POV —

The moment the words left his mouth it hit me like cold stone, I wasn't able to go back home to Madre or go to work at the bar with Juliette or the small flower shop, his words stopped time for a moment and I stared at his determined face across from me it finally registered that he was serious about this life style.

I nodded in agreement and finished eating, after that a deep wave of sadness hit me I couldn't understand why and how, he somewhat noticed and he held me while I played with his hair as he stroked my back gently. Last night I could have sworn he kissed me multiple time and he somewhat lulled  me to peacefully sleep.. he may look like a big bad wolf yet I know he's a little puppy in disguise.


The time was nearing for Diavolo to leave, you sat cris-cross on the bed watching him dry his hair and apply his partial makeup, as he grabbed his suit you sprinted into the bathroom before he shut the door to change.

"What are you doing?"
"I want to help you before you go."

After he was done getting dressed you sat on the bathroom counter finally being eye level with the tall man, he got closer and wrapped his hands around your waist while your hands explored the soft fabric of his black pinstriped suit, before anything else could happen you grabbed his tie to pull him in closer and gave him a big passionate kiss, leaning in he couldn't help but pull your hair a bit exposing your neck for him to kiss and bite leaving a trail of some black lipstick and purple pink hues, your hands wrapped around his defined face while shallow breaths were being exchanged.

"Oh piccola farfalla, non guardarmi così."
{Oh little butterfly, don't look at me like that.}

Diavolo couldn't help but return to kiss you roughly as your hands fumbled with his buttons on his shirt revealing an amazing body and a golden cross necklace, before anything explicit could continue there was a sudden knocking on the door causing you both to freeze and look over, it was only Risotto and the man didn't seem shocked or amused he just looked either dead or pissed off.

"Oh, I'm really sorry Diavolo, I didn't mean to start something.. I messed up your lipstick and shirt."
"Don't worry I'll redo it in the car now I have to get going, I'll be back soon. If you need something ask Risotto, but if it's an emergency call me, I'll drop whatever I have done and come back. Be good Mia Farfalla..

Once Diavolo left it was just Risotto and you, he sat on the couch with a sturdy expression not even blinking really, you always wondered what went on in his head weather he actually enjoyed living or not. He pulled out a case and pushed it towards you, out of curiosity you grabbed the fine leather case and opened it to a sleek black glock 19, your hand wrapped around the gun as you ran fingers traced over the frame.

"Alright kid, show me what you got, let's go outside."
"Are you sure I can shoot out here?"— you questioned as you pointed the gun at him.
"Hey! Rule one, never point the gun at an ally, either keep it pointed to the ground or at the target, usually it'll be in a slinger yet he didn't leave one behind."
"Oh sorry.. okay hand me the ammo."

Risotto showed you how to load the firearm and got behind you, his hands gripped the gun and you hand as well, he steadily showed you how to aim.

"Now.. take a deep breath and relax your shoulders, take aim and keep very still and stand firm. Then fire"

The loud bursting shook your whole body, Risotto didn't flinch he just held you as you stumbled from the impact, after a few other rounds and a couple of bruises and cuts he went in and made lunch while grabbing a first aid kit as well. You sat on the swing dangling your legs singing a song, he handed you a plate of grilled cheese with a side of strawberries and a cup of strawberry lemonade, as you ate he bent down and started treating your wounds on your knees.

"How did you even get these? I was gone for 10 minutes and come back to bloody knees."
"I was playing around."
"Of course you were, do you want to eat outside or inside?"— you nodded and he grabbed a chair and sat next to you eating silently.

"Risotto I like you a lot, your very quiet but there's just something about you."
"Hmm sure, now eat."

"I hope you're ready Y/n.."



Happiness is a butterfly. Diavolo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now