- In un'altra vita -

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The house would be still and suddenly there would be loud screaming coming from the new nursery, loud high pitched cries of a helpless infant caused headaches.. Donatella was trying her best when it came to caring for this new child but of course she couldn't do much in her current state after being out of the hospital. Solido got up and walked to the door that lead into the nursery room, once inside he calmly reached out to grab the small girl, her little head full of pink curly hair that resembled him always amazed him.

She softly cooed at the sight of her father, her big green eyes blinked away tears as she washed her crying away, he stood there watching her, examining how fragile she is and studied how she resembled such a drastic part of him. "My daughter.. my little Trish..."

6 years later

The bells of death chimed as a very small group of people stood as a grave, the clouds rolled in and let out a few tears along with the people, a couple cried as they said goodbye to their once daughter now laid forever down in the soil with the worms and maggots as life took its course, now at the lonely graveyard stood a man in front of tombstone slightly crouched down as he read the plague over and over.
Behind him stood a small child that hugged the man's arm as she too looked at the stone head trying to decipher the truth. The both stood there in the rain mourning.

"Rest easy Mia Donatella.. con dio you may rest.."

He took of his pinstriped coat as he draped it over the wet tombstone before he picked up the little girl and walked back to the car, the ride home was grim, and lonesome.

The pink haired man grabbed the child from the back and carried her inside sitting her down at the table as she looked at his back, her little feet were swaying as she laid her hands in her lap waiting for her papà to do anything.

"Are you hungry?"
"Yes papà"

As Diavolo cooked, Trish got up and spun around the dimly lit kitchen while humming a song, Diavolo looked from the corner of his eye as he watched her dancing like nothing happened even though again. She's just a child.

~ ♡ ~

To Dia.. the man that loved me the most, I wanted to say so much.. I was just 17 when we met, I didn't know my life would be so complicated with my mother and no father.. I've always been a good girl, as you liked to call me that. But I never realized I wasn't good enough for you.. the day you left me was the day a part of me died, I was abandoned by the one person who did everything to keep me a secret just like you, I never thought that was fair.. then again life isn't fair. I always dreamed that we'd wed and maybe settle down yet I know you had other plans then keeping a silly stupid girl around for your entertainment for when you were bored, it hurt the day you left me.. not even I could stitch my new wounds after it.

I long and yearn for the day we'll meet again, perhaps we'd bump into each other in the lonely streets after dark or maybe I'd catch a glimpse of your bright fuchsia colored hair.. maybe even you'd ask me how I've been after 6 long agonizing years.. maybe in another life. To the man I've ever loved.. Diavolo.

I sealed the letter up in a blank envelope with a heart sticker, as I sat here I ached for see him, I wanted to remember his face- No.. of course I remember his face how could I forget? I couldn't. His black stained lips and sharp emerald green eyes that pierced my cheek when he looked at me, his long curly hair that was always thrown everywhere or up in a sloppy ponytail that swayed as he walked with purpose. I miss him, I miss those things just not the life I had, I didn't have one, I was just a pet I wasn't even a lousy housewife.. just a sitting stone waiting for him.

You got up and walked down the stairs out to the small street surrounding the little flats, the hills looked like they were swimming since the wind gently brushed their long coats of grass making it move and sway in a steady rhythm, down the hill and close to the little plaza filled with small shops and people to the nearest trash can the lonely letter was thrown into it then left behind as well.

Without noticing a tall man had went and fished out the clean envelope and walked away slipping it into his pocket, he drove off to a different part of town before stopping at the last home off the sea side.

"Boss. She dropped this in the trash."
"Hand it to me"

The man sat at his desk as he quickly opened it and read each word slowly and carefully, after he finished his fingers lightly traced the pens indents and markings as his read it over and over.. he looked up and then back down as he let the words fill him and process it.

"What have I done.. what do I do. What can I do.."
"Perhaps it's time to seek her out ourself."



Hello, I'm thinking most likely there will be one more chapter before I end this book, just wanna say thank you for reading this even tho most of it was complete nonsense and kinda shitty- One more chapter to go!

Happiness is a butterfly. Diavolo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now