What are you hiding from me?

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Y/n's pov:
I've started to find jobs for me. I cant just forever stay for free at their place right.

I'm trying so hard but they all just reject me because I'm a high school student. Ughh nothings happening the way I want it to happen.

Finally I went to the converse cafe and they accepted me as a waitress. I know this job is not the best but it isnt that bad either. Atleast I'll get paid. Converse cafe is a highly visited place which Is always crowded.

That's why they need more waitress so I decided to have a 5.00 to 9.30 pm shift I know that's abit late but the cafe is really close from here so it's not that of a problem.

I was happy I atleast got some job. I took a leave from the cafe I'll join it from tomorrow. I see a couple walk with their little kids. A small chuckle escapes my mouth.

The kids look so happy while the parents they look exhausted. How good to have a family I thought to myself. Sometime my family used to be like this too, happy, I believe they dont even think of me as their daughter.

Happiness never lasts forever in my case I guess. I just sighed and entered the Kim's apartment. Well it's not actually called the Kim's apartment it's just me who calls it.

-End of pov-

Oh hey y/n your back, taehyung said.

Oh yes tae! I got a job! I'm gonna be a waitress in the converse cafe,Y/n said.

Oh that's great but umm y/n but why a waitress y/n that jobs tiring, taehyung said with sad eyes.

Its okay taehyung atleast I'll have a job, y/n said with a small smile.

Ofcourse taehyung did suggest y/n to work in their company but she didnt wanted any more favor from the two kim's. They are already doing many favors for her.

Taehyung just gave y/n a very nice warm hug because y/n just got a job and she is dealing with alot. What they didn't knew was jimin took their photo and sent it to jungkook.


Jimin:Guess I'm already working in progress I'll make sure they fall for eachother again!

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Jimin:Guess I'm already working in progress I'll make sure they fall for eachother again!

( so yall please just imagine that's tae and y/n and they're in a house, I couldn't find a better picture because all of them were couple pictures and I wanted it to look friendly ofc, this is somewhat a friendly hug)

Jungkook : seen...

There was no response from jungkook obviously, ofcourse he was hating it he thought letting go of her would be easy but it's not.

Seeing her with someone else and not him is really disturbing him. He hates to see taehyung's arm wrapped around her. He hates this feeling and he is clearly jealous.

It's okay jungkook your gonna move on, just a few days more, he said to himself.

Meanwhile at the kim's

Yaah park jimin !! You secretly took pictures!! And then you make it look like we are falling for eachother!! You fucker!! Yaaah come here I'll end you today-

Chill taehyung it's just so they get back together you know that right? Jimin said.

Yeah I do but that doesnt mean you'll give him wrong ideas, taehyung said clearly not enjoying jimins evil ideas.

Taehyung I need to make him regret his choice of leaving y/n we need to get them back together! Said jimin in a firm voice.

Yeah we do, taehyung said.

-The next day at school -

Y/n's pov:

Its jungkooks lesson again, I'm keeping myself strong and I'm behaving completely natural atleast I'm acting that way. He seems to be doing great I guess he even flirts with some girls.

I just ignore it. Jimin is around me he looks angry at jungkook. Jimin may be smol but mans got some anger issues.

Jungkook avoids eye contact with me. Is he guilty of what he did? Maybe he is or maybe he just hates me all of a sudden, or maybe he is hiding something from me.

The class ends as everyone rushes out, for a suprise I see taehyung here? Well he probably is here to get the resignation done. I just go towards him and we give eachother a side hug.

Taehyung was just all smiley but then his eyes turned sad and pity. I look to the direction he is seeing and hes watching jungkook? But why is he sad for jungkook when jungkook literally broke me?

Is my assumption about jungkook lying true? There's definitely something going on.

Hey mr. Kim are you here for the resignation? Jungkook said.

Ofcourse he is in school so he is gonna call him mr. Kim. He still doesnt looks at me In the eyes. He is hiding something for sure. Taehyung is hiding something too because everytime the jungkook topic comes up they all just say nothing.

Yeah, taehyung said.

Its so damn awkward. Jimin comes and joins too.

Taehyung you should go with y/n she'll have company too,jimin suggests.

Yes sure but arent you coming home too? I asked.

No I gotta go meet yup with kai and the others, jimin said.

I just nodded.

Let's go taetae, I said.

Taehyung just nodded as we were about to leave.


I heard him speak my name once again it felt like a huge decade that he spoke my name. I just stop my tracks. My heart clenches as I still havent moved on nor does my heart want too.

Yes, mr. Jeon?

His eyes somewhat turn sad when I say that. Jungkook I know your hiding something from me just tell me please, somewhere deep down I still trust you, I said to myself looking into his eyes.

Umm your keychain just fell off, be said handing over the keychain to me.

I just take it.

Thank you mr. Jeon, I said.

And left with taehyung. Jungkook just talk to me I could help you.i thought to myself.

We reach the kim's and jimin is also their, why did he lie about hanging out with kai though?

Jimin comee here, I said as he happily jumped over.

So tell me jimin and taehyung what are you hiding from me? I asked.

Yes,Mr.Jeon? || Jeon Jungkook||Where stories live. Discover now