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I was wide awake with various thoughts running in my mind and not being able to process anything.

Even after listening to how I met my parents, I couldn't remember about my life before meeting them.

What is wrong with me? Why can't  I clear my mind of these thoughts?

I was so frustrated.

I tiptoed outside the room to get some fresh air but to my surprise, saw mami leaving her room as well. Maybe even she couldn't sleep because she's missing her daughter.

I followed her thinking that she is going to the garden but it already passed by and she still kept on walking.

I stopped for a second wondering 'has she forgotten the way around the hotel?' ,but nonetheless followed her.

Where is she going at this hour?

We already left our hotel premises and it has been nearly 20 minutes that we have been walking. She finally stopped near a cliff.

I became nervous and started sweating.

What is she doing?!! I need to stop her!

I closed my eyes ,took a deep breath to calm my nerves. When I opened them, she was nowhere to be seen.

Thinking about the worst, I ran towards the cliff end and called for her like a banshee.

Oh my God!! Why would she jump and end her life like this?!!

I bent down a bit to check if she had actually jumped or was it my mind playing tricks on me.

I could only see vast expanse of river Godavari.

There was no sound of anybody screaming or falling into the deep waters so I thought maybe it was just my mind which didn't have proper rest for quite some time.

I bent down to check for a last time  but suddenly.......

Someone pushed me.

The sudden push made me blank for a millisecond but the force of the air which tried resisting me brought me back to my senses.

I tried holding onto the rocks but maybe I was unlucky for the day since my hands slipped past them.

So this is how it ends huh?

I could see the sunrise paint the sky with pinks and it reminded me of something Maa once told me
'When the day and night meet fleetingly at twilight and dawn, their merging offers the beholder the most enchanted moments of twenty four hours'


The beauty in front of me kept mind off the current situation until I felt myself falling into the cold waters.

There was some force which kept on pulling me inside

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There was some force which kept on pulling me inside. I tried fighting it but to no avail.

So while chanting ऊँ नमो नारायणाय in my mind, I closed my eyes to wait for what is to come next

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So while chanting ऊँ नमो नारायणाय in my mind, I closed my eyes to wait for what is to come next.

This one was a short chapter and I hope you all liked it. This is where Aarna's Kaliyug journey ends.

Please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!!

Lots of love from me💕

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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