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One doesn't need to have a degree to know who the man in my paintings is.
With a small smile on my face, I whispered,


It's already 7:30 a.m.
I picked up all the paintings and made sure that I kept them inside my drawer, safely.

I went and stood in front of my mirror, staring at my reflection.

Everyone must be wondering who this girl is? Why have I made those paintings? What dreams was I talking about?

Well... To answer your questions, my name is Aarna Mahendra Dixit . I am 20 years old and a third year Architecture student.

About the dreams, I keep seeing Krishna in them.

Initially, I used to ignore them as they were mere dreams, and thought that they were occurring because of the books that I keep reading about the Supreme Lord.

But as time passed on, I kept on seeing those dreams. That's when I started to paint them, to try and find something  so that I could finally understand the meaning behind my dreams.

After standing in front of the mirror for some time and doing nothing, I finally decided to take a bath and get ready for the day.

(Outfit of the day)

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(Outfit of the day)

I wore a simple white kurti with dark blue pants and a white dupatta which had peacocks sewn on it with colourful threads and some oxide jewellery. I glanced at the suitcases kept near the door and huffed.

In an hour, me and my family are to leave Mumbai to attend Anita's wedding who is my cousin from my mother's side.

I was planning to spend my summer holidays at home but now, I have to go to Nashik, that too in this hot weather.

Don't get me wrong, It's not like I don't like her, in fact I love her but why did she have to plan a wedding far away from Mumbai in Nashik.

I left my bedroom and went to the living room. No one was present there so I straight away went inside the kitchen.

Maa was making idlis. I hugged her from behind and greeted,"Good morrrrrrning maa".

She turned around, smiling lovingly and replied me back with a good morning. She told me to go and take the blessings of the God.

I went to our Mandir and prayed to God to keep my family happy and safe.

After praying, I went back and helped maa in setting up the table while having a light conversation.

After setting food on the table, I went to my parents room to call papa.

Just when I was about to enter the room, he came out holding 2 suitcases. I greeted him a quick good morning and helped him in bringing the bags in living room.

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