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I was walking down a path in a beautiful forest. The sky had a mixed hue of red, orange, yellow and blue and it seemed like it was time for sunset.

 The sky had a mixed hue of red, orange, yellow and blue and it seemed like it was time for sunset

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There were many trees and plants around me, small as well as tall. But it wasn't scary at all, rather it was calm and serene. The trees around me had fresh and luscious green leaves which occasionally swayed with the wind.

Small plants were present near the trees. There were many birds and butterflies flying around, and I must say they were absolutely pretty. There were rabbits playing around.

Everything around me was so peaceful that I felt like staying here all day.              

I was in a trance, watching the rabbits dancing around, when suddenly, I was pulled out of my stupor by a sound or should I say a melodious tune.

Instead of making me annoyed for disturbing me, it made me really happy, it made me overwhelmed. It made me feel as if I was yearning for years to listen to it.

And I wasn't the only one. All the animals and birds around me started moving towards the source of this mellifluous tune. The greenery around me, even though was beautiful, looked more lively as if the music brought them back to life.

Even I did not have control over myself and let my feet carry me towards the place where this heartwarming tune was coming from. It seemed as if I was hypnotized, like I was completely under it's control. It was calling me towards it and I couldn't even disagree.

The more I went closer to the sound,the more faster my heart started to beat.

After walking for some time, I came across a huge flower tree. I don't know which tree it was but it had small pink flowers adorning it.

Even the leaves and flowers were swaying to the tune as if it was the reason of their contentment.

After listening to the tune, I was sure that someone was playing a flute.

That person was sitting right behind the tree. All the animals which came with me sat in front of him with their eyes closed as if they were trying to record each and every sound that came from the flute, inside them.

It was very overwhelming for me and I didn't know why but my eyes watered. I wanted to see the person, I wanted to meet him, I wanted to stay with him, forever.

My heart was beating really fast and my palms became sweaty.

I wiped them on my long skirt and that's when I realized that I was wearing different clothes, a lot more different than what I would usually wear.

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