The smart, skilled and the BRAVE

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In between the mountains Apex and Val, near the great desert Masala, and beside the raging ocean Belafonte sat the Kingdom Polislam.

It's name a legend, the Kingdom Polislam was said to be created by God. Who else could have put the strong kingdom there to hold the three kingdoms, Hersban, Letican and Magdal, inside its iron arms.

The kingdom was the only thing that held the three kingdoms back from conquering everything in their way like the Mongols in China. The army was larger than the population, people liked to joke. And it had truth to it since men and women both joined the army.

It was stupid to fight over if women should have their rights if you have people trying to destroy your kingdom every day. So Polislam was the first kingdom to give women their rights, letting them fight along side all the warriors of Polislam.

They also formed a type of democracy where they elected their leader. If they had a king that was greedy, he would try to conquer the three empires, and if he even tried, Polislam was lost. Because for all the years Polislam has defended its borders, the three kingdoms have attacked them.

So Polislam fought the three kingdoms and in return Kingdoms such as Dendritic traded with them, because Polislam was a harsh, infertile land.

The only place that was full of vegetation was blocked off from the public due to the dangerous wildlife inside. Of course children played on the edges from time to time, but for the most part people respected this wish. Possibly out of fear instead of respect due to rumors of a protector of the forest who would kill someone if they tried to get to the Apex mountains where the men of Prophets lived, hidden in isolation from the rest of the world.

But for the most part the people of Polislam lived in peace. The only thing that could break them was if the three kingdoms joined forces. It had seemed to far fetched since the three despised each other.

That was until Prince Ezekiel created a treaty with the other two kingdoms. The newly found allies first mission? Destroy Polislam.

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