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It has been a week now, and Asiya is still avoiding me. I saw her around school a couple of times but even then she still avoided me. I know she needs her space and I get that. Well, at least I'm trying to. I want her to talk to me instead of avoiding me.

I get that she's upset about me having sex with Beth. I should've never even fucked her if I still have feelings for Asiya.

I leaned against the front of my car as I waited for her to walk out of the front of the school. After a few minutes, I watched as she walked out with all of her focus on her phone.

I walked up to her. She wasn't paying attention and kept walking, so I grabbed her shoulders to halt her footsteps so she wouldn't crash into me.

She looked up at me with furrowed brows. "What do you want Hunter?"

"I just wanted to talk. Just let me talk to you real quick."

As I waited for a response, I took her in. She had her hair in a different style this week. She had braids in that I think she said were knotless braids before. Overall, she looked pretty as usual.

"You're talking to me right now." she retorts.

"Just come with me."

"No. If you want to talk, then talk to me right here right now."

"Can you at least get in the car?" I plead.

I know that she's the type of person to keep her business private, and she wouldn't like it if people around school knew her business.

"Fine," she grumbled.

She turned away and started quickly walking towards my car. I caught up to her and opened the door for her. Once she was in, I closed it and got in on the driver's side.

"I'm sorry for having sex with Beth." She rolls her eyes at the mention of Beth's name.

"I know it wasn't right, Asiya, and for that I'm sorry. You told me we were just friends."

She looks at me and glares, "well maybe it was because I feared getting in a real relationship. You gave me many reasons not to trust you. What did you expect?"

I lowly groan because she was partly right, I haven't given her many reasons to trust me. I want to build that trust between us. "I know you don't trust me Asiya, but I'm trying to get better. You should've come to me and expressed your fears in the beginning."

"I was going to when I was ready." she snaps.

"And I know that now, Asiya. But if you got a problem that involves me, let me know right then and there."

She scoffs and stays silent for a minute before speaking. I watch intently as her nose flares and her leg bounces up and down.

"I don't have feelings for you. You can fuck whoever you like whenever you like. I don't care anymore." She dismisses me.

I frown my face up at her lie. A blind person could see the feelings that we have for each other.

She grabs the door handle about to get out of the car but she pauses for a minute as she thinks. "Matter of fact, start this car up and take me home."

I shake my head and start the car up as she puts her seatbelt on. I turn out of the school parking lot and make my way towards a diner so we could get some food.

"This not the way to my house." She snaps as she looks up from her phone.

I purposefully ignore her. I stop at a red light and I look over at her to see her glaring at the side of my head.

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