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"Oh shit oh shit!" I began to panic.

I was tripping over my own two feet trying to get back into the room so I could get the baby bag and Asiya's bag.

I jumped when Asiya let out a scream. I snatched the bags up from off the floor and went out into the living room where she was now waiting.

"You want some pants to change into?" I ask while picking the keys up from off the coffee table and stuffing them in the pockets of my sweatpants.

She nodded while taking a deep breath. She twisted her lips to the side when she had felt another contraction.

I ran to our bedroom and quickly got out a pair of my sweatpants for her. They'd probably be more comfortable for her.

I walked back into the living room and helped her take her shorts off. I helped her put the sweatpants on.


I kissed the top of Asiya's head and grabbed the cup so I could go get her more ice chips. "I'll be right back."

I figured that I should take this time to text everyone so I could let them know that she's in labor. After I finished texting everyone I made quick work to get the ice then rush back to the room.

When I got back in nurses were moving around and our doctor was in the room. One of the nurses was helping Asiya put her feet up on the stirrups.

"Hunter, please." She whined.

I sat the cup down and quickly walked over to her.

"I'm so scared right now." She breathed.

"It's okay you'll do good." I kiss her cheek then her lips.

"Everything will be fine, Asiya. Just take a deep breath and breathe." Our doctor assured her before beginning to examine in between her legs.

"She's crowning." Dr. Pierce lifted her head back up.

Sweat beads were forming at the top of Asiya's forehead. I grabbed the cold rag and wiped her forehead to help cool her down.

"I'll count to three and when I say push I need you to give me a real big push." She instructed.

"You got this baby."

While Asiya pushed I made sure to hold her hand and continue to tell her how good of a job she was doing so it could help motivate her.

I could tell that she was spent out and it looked as if she wanted to get out.

"One more big push Asiya. I know you got it in you." Dr. Pierce instructed.

"I can't. It hurts so fucking bad." She cried.

"C'mon you can do it. Squeeze my hand as hard as you can. Yell, curse, I don't fucking care but just push through." I tell her.

She took a moment and let out a deep breath while Dr. Pierce counted to three.

"Alright now push!"

Asiya let out another scream while squeezing my hand to death. she pushed as hard as she could. The room was quiet for a long second before the cries of lil' bean filled the room. Asiya fell back with a loud sigh.

I smiled big when I heard the loud cries. I kissed Asiya's forehead before standing all the way up so I could get a good look at our lil' bean.

I blinked back tears that were at the brim of my eyes.

"Would you like to cut the cord?" The nurse handed me some scissors.

I grinned and took them out of her hand. Lil bean was still crying and I kissed the top of her head before cutting the umbilical cord where instructed.

The nurse then took the baby and used a nose nasal to clear her nose. I followed the nurse over to where they had a station set up for the baby.

The nurse did some other stuff before swaddling her up and putting a little beanie on her head.

She's adorable.

I would be lying if I said she looked like Asiya because clearly, she has my whole face. Not to toot my own horn though.

The nurse handed her off to me and made sure I was holding her the right way. I smiled down at her as I slowly walked towards the bed.

Asiya sat up eager to see her.

"She's so pretty." Asiya sniffled, tears running down her face.

Her brown eyes were now closed as she yawned.

Ryder Blair Collins 💗🧸

(not proofread)

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