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"Hunter, well I don't know what to tell you." I shrugged and got in my bed, snuggling under the cover.

I'm tired as hell and we're trying to figure out what's going to happen after graduation, but we're not even agreeing on where we're going to go to college at.

Graduation is in two days and we just got back from rehearsal not too long ago.

We've both got multiple acceptance letters, and we narrowed those down to what would be closer to each other. Now we're just trying to find our final choices.

I know for a fact that my top two options are FAMU and Howard. I really want to go to Howard, but they didn't give me a full ride like FAMU.

"Asiya I'm telling you I can take care of us so you don't have to go to college." He says genuinely, and I couldn't help but laugh.

Definitely not.

College is something I want to do for myself.

Maybe it's the stubborn side of me that's not letting up and letting him just take care of me while I sit on my ass but oh well.

"That's good, but I still want to go to college. A baby isn't gonna stop me from doing that." I grab the remote and turn on Netflix so I could watch too hot to handle.

He runs his hands through his hair and lets out a frustrated sigh. "Alright, we'll eventually figure something out."

I continued laying down comfortably. I was so over it and all I wanted was some food.

"Come on Asiya. Sit up." He kissed his teeth. "It's best if we figure it out now and get it out the way so that when the baby comes, we'll be set."

I internally rolled my eyes. He was right, so I listened and got myself together.

I grabbed my laptop and went to my email so I could go back and began to look again. I had flagged all emails that were offering me full-ride scholarships so it'll be easier for me to sort.

"I know you got a scholarship from FAMU and FSU. I got one from a couple of D1 football schools. So are you cool with Florida?" he looked over at me.

"Which D1 school are you choosing?"

"Central Florida." he scratched the back of his head.

I blankly stared at him. That's a whole three hours away from Tallahassee if I choose to go to FAMU.

"Alright." I sighed. "We'll work something out."


"No, we definitely settled on Florida. I know I need to focus on stacking my money up so that I'll be straight during college."

I don't need to do any unnecessary spending at all. I know Hunter told me he'd handle everything money-wise, but I just like to always have a backup plan.

"That's good. What are you going to be majoring in?" Neveah asked over the phone.

"Probably visual arts or sumn like that." I picked up some fries and stuffed them into my mouth.

"You don't even need to go to college for that foreal. You'd be straight without it. If we're being honest. You still want to do photography right?"

After college, I'm hoping to open up my photography business. I know I don't necessarily need to go to college for it but having a higher education is something that I would want and it'll look good on my resume.

"I know, but it's good to have. I'll get extra tips and practice so I can get better at what I want to do." I take a bite out of the ribs that I got from chili's.

"Okay," she shrugged. "do whatever that works for you. I'm just tryna make sure you're not putting too much on your shoulders." She hung up the phone with a little attitude.

Okay, girl. It's not even that deep.

I understand she's just looking out for me, but she didn't have to give off that type of attitude. I don't know why she's getting upset with my decision. She acting as if it's gon' affect her life.

While continuing to eat, my door had opened, and in walked my mom with a wide smile on her face.

This is how it's been since after the accident. She would buy little gifts for me and the baby and ask loads of questions about the baby.

It's nice in all, but I feel like the only thing she's trying to achieve from doing this is my forgiveness.

We didn't even talk about how she was acting towards me for me to even want to forgive her as of yet.

"I saw these cute little shirts while I was in Nordstrom and I just had to pick them up." She beamed while sitting the bag on my bed.

I moved my food to the side, so I wouldn't get food on the clothing.

I gave a tight-lipped smile and cocked my head to the side a little. She pulled out three onesie sets that had cute stuff on them about loving their grandparents.

"That's so cute." I fake giggled lightly.

"I know. I just had to get it as soon as I saw it." She put the stuff back in the bag and set it by the bed.

"Thank you, mom."

"You're welcome baby." She tapped my leg before standing back up.

She was getting ready to leave out of my room when I had called her name. She stopped walking and looked over her shoulder at me.

"Are you ever going to really apologize to me?" I genuinely ask.

It was getting old at this point, and I really just need my mother's love and guidance.

She stayed quiet and walked out of the room. I frowned my face up, disappointed in her response.

At the same time she was going out, Hunter was coming back into my room with the ice cream I had asked for.

y'all let's pretend that Asiya had her birthday in the book alr🙄 i forgot all abt it tbh. anyways hope y'all enjoyed this one. not proofread

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