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"What the fuck?" I muttered as I watched the car she got into pull off.

What fucking baby do I have? Where did she even hear that bullshit? She didn't even communicate and ask if it was true or not. She just automatically believed that shit.

The answer would be no, anyway.

I rushed back into the restaurant and got my keys and wallet from off the table.

"Hunter, where are you going?" My mom asks.

"Don't worry about it. I'll meet you guys back at the house." I grumbled while continuing to walk out of the restaurant.

I unlocked my car door and got inside. I started the car up and started driving towards Asiya's house.

Fifteen minutes later, I pulled up in front of her house. We still shared our location so when I checked my phone it said she was around the corner.

I got out of my car and leaned against mine smoking a blunt that I had pre rolled while waiting for her to arrive.

A few minutes later, the same car from the restaurant had pulled up. I watched as she quickly got out of the car with her stuff still in her hands.

Her face was wet from tears, and she was still crying. When she looked up at me, she froze. I put my blunt out and sat it on the hood of my car.

"Please leave."

She tried walking past me, but I grabbed her arm, pulling her over to me.


"Move Hunter. I'm not even playing." She mumbles.

"Asiya, if you calm the fuck down and let me speak. You don't communicate and that's your problem."

She stopped moving and stared at me with her face frowned up. "Speak then."

"I'm telling you, Asiya, I did not get Beth pregnant. I swear. The last time we fucked was probably back in August. Two months before we started dating." I explain.

My breathing was uneven as I waited for a response from her. I didn't want this to be the end of us. I love Asiya and I see myself with her in the long run.

"She could've been pregnant with your baby by the time we started dating." She replies flatly with a shrug.

I suck my teeth. "I never fucked her raw. It was always with condoms."

"Condoms break."

"Asiya, I'm telling you it's not mine. I promise."

Her face clear of any emotion but I could tell she wanted to cry. I was going fucking crazy. She wasn't believing anything I was saying, and it was making me mad.

I know for a fact that the baby isn't mine.

"Don't make promises you can't keep. Let me know your real answer when you get that DNA test back." She quips while walking away.

"Asiya," I called out.

She didn't answer and continued walking to her house.

"What the fuck?" I muttered.

I made sure she got inside before getting in my car and slamming the door shut. I punched the steering wheel out of anger.

I pulled off and started driving. I don't where to but I'm going somewhere. I picked up my phone when it started going off, hoping it would be Asiya.

Ryan bro check ig.

Ryan why is Beth on ig saying
u got her pregnant?


I went to Instagram and quickly looked through the stories I was being tagged in. All of it consisted of how I got Beth pregnant and stuff like that.

"The bitch is fucking delusional," I whispered to myself.

I got off Instagram and went to call Ryan.


"Are you still having sex with one of Beth's friends?"

Ryan chuckled. "Dude, what type of question is that?"

"A question now answer."

"Uh yeah." He hesitated for a moment.

"Do me a favor and ask your friend or whatever where Beth is at. I need to talk to her." I tell him.

"I'll text you when I find out."

I hung up the phone and pulled the car over and smoked weed while I waited for him to text me. I was not going to sit back and let Beth ruin my relationship.

My phone pinged because of the text message and I started making my way to where Ryan sent me.

After about forty minutes, I finally arrived at the address I was given. I got out of the car and took in my surroundings.

I walked up the short driveway and to the door. After knocking on it, a girl named Shay had opened the door. I remembered her as one of Beth's friends.

"Is Beth here?" I ask.

She smirks at me. "Yeah let me go get her now."

Beth showed up at the door with her pregnant belly on display.

My eyes widened. This bitch was really pregnant. I'm flabbergasted.

"So you finally decided to come?" She questioned with a raised brow.

"Stop telling people that I got you pregnant when that clearly isn't the case at all."

I got ready to walk away, but she said something that made me stop all movements. "I'm almost eight months. You do the math."

I stayed silent. The last time I fucked her was two months before Asiya and I started dating again. Asiya and I have been dating for about six months now. I started getting paranoid. Shit was adding up, and it was driving me crazy.

I might've gotten Beth pregnant. And Asiya had every right to not believe anything I was saying. She probably was doing the same exact math I was doing I don't even believe what I was saying anymore.

My relationship with Asiya is done. I can just feel it in my soul.

A selfish part of me wants to just say fuck it and be with the girl I love, but I can't walk away.

The baby that she's carrying might just possibly be my responsibility as well. I was scared I didn't know what to do. But I know for a fact that I never fucked Beth raw.

"Yeah, you think about it. I'll prove you wrong when those results come in, Hunter," she yelled out before slamming the door shut.

I walked away, clearly upset. I got into my car and sped off, making my way home.

When I got home, nobody was there. I went straight to my room and began to roll up after I put my weed in my grinder. I needed to try to calm down before I start fucking shit up.

My leg bounced up and down as I tried to relax and smoke my weed. My anxiety was at an all-time high and I couldn't calm down.

not proofread fr.
pick a or b in the comments. y'all gon vote on what happens next!

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