Let it Go:01

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Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.


My whole life I have been struggling with letting go of the things that have happened. I can hold it and shut up. When people extend their limit, they see my bad face. I wish I could easily let go of the things that people have told me. They are tiny things, but when tiny things gather up on top of each other, they make this sense of hatred and you feel a weigh on your heart. You feel like there is a bulge in your heart. And all you can do is shut up.

One time, someone went to their fullest with me. That is the moment that I exploded. 3 years waiting on that person. I faced that person and I felt like a 12 ton bag was lifted from my shoulders.

One girl once exceeded her limit with me. I was so angry and I didn't speak with her for 1 day. Yes 1 day is a short time, but it was enough for me to get some of that anger out.

If I tell everyone what I am sad from them with, I will hurt their feelings. It's better to shut up and let it go.

The best way to let it go is by not thinking about it. Try to think of the good thing that person has done to you.  You'll feel better. Maybe you can cry alone . Do anything that will make you feel better and get rid of that feeling.

This part really reflects my life. Wow, it makes me feel that letting it go was the best choice.

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