Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.
So I decided to make you all funny quotes, for both Christmas and mooled el naby are coming soon. I call it: Laugh it Out. Remember: press that little star❤️
Love youuu
The Unlimited Heaven of Quotes
SpiritualRekindle your spirit. Touch your soul with warmness. Put a smile on your face. Have a new beginning. Quotes never fail us, providing everything that could bring us joy and help us with our lives. Sometimes, these quotes have a deeper meaning, that y...
Laugh it out: 01
Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.
So I decided to make you all funny quotes, for both Christmas and mooled el naby are coming soon. I call it: Laugh it Out. Remember: press that little star❤️
Love youuu