now that i changed for you?

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Warning: big age gap. Taehyung- 18. Jungkook- 23 (his normal age)

Taehyung, a feminine boy was now driving to gis parents house for some kind of meeting. He was a bit tensed and nervous on what his parents are about to say. Maybe its just a new puppy, right? Taehyung asked himself but just shrugged it of once he saw the big black metal gate in front of him

He inhaled deeply and took the courage to get out if his car and get to the gate. He took his shaky hands and knocked on the gate. Not long later, a maid opened the gate with a smile that they were forced to put on

"Mr. Kim, come in!" The maid said bubbly and lead taehyung inside. They got to the front door and the maid opened it. Taehyung looked around and saw his parent with... A couple and he assumes to be their son

"Hi mom!" Taehyung greeted getting his mothers attention. Once taehyung saw his mothers smile, the nervousness has melted away. His mother stood up and gave him a hug that taehyung always likes

"Taebear, come sit" his mother said and lead him to sit on the sofa beside the unknown man

"I know that you wondering why the both of you are here. Well, we parents had decided on one thing. This might shock you but you both are getting married" mr. Kim said while the jeon couple nodded but flinched when the other boy shouted

"What!? Marry him?! No way, nu uh and besides he looks like he's just 18 or 19" the boy shouted with  furrowed eyes. Taehyung looked at him confused and frustrated

"Umm yes, i am 18 but excuse me? Whats wrong with me?!" Taehyung asked, raising his voice a bit

"I dont want to hurt your feeling, weakling" the boy said while rolling his eyes

"Jungkook! Stop! You both are getting married either you like it or not!" Mrs. Jeon shouted

"Fine" jungkook rolled his eyes one more time. "Lets go, i dont want to be here" jungkook stomped out of the house followed by his parents to their car and drove off

"You ok?" Mr. Kim asked his son

"Is... There something wrong... With me?" Taehyung asked while looking up at his father

"There's nothing wrong with you, dont listen to what jungkook said. Your perfect, just the way you are. Hmm got that?" Mr. Kim said while booping taehyung's nose with his finger making taehyung giggle

"I need to go now, love you mom, dad" taehyung bid his good bye and went to his car and to his house

Wedding day

Jungkooks pov

I was now waiting at the altar, my friends beside me while comforting me for no logical reason at all

"Your fine, jungkook. Deep breathes" hyun-soo said while patting my back

"Hyung im fine, no need to worry" jungkook chuckled

"Im the one who's not fine, my baby is getting married" jin faked cried making jungkook roll his eyes

Soon the music started and the gates slowly opened and the guests went through. Taehyung's mom with i assumed his uncle, my mom with my dad and other people that i dont know

And then taehyung, he was looking beautiful, i cant wait to be with hi- wait no, jungkook your supposed to hate him. Jungkook mentally slapped himself, that he didnt even noticed that taehyung was already in front of him

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