Chapter 1

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a/n: I don't own any of the characters, but i do own the plot. Also sorry in advance about the spelling and grammar.

Draco's POV

I wake up and find curls, dark honey-brown curls in my face. I push them off my face and sit up in bed. Looking down at the girl next to me I smile, it's her. I run my hand through my short blonde hair and she moves; her hair tumbles down her face and she mumbles "five more minutes". Her arms wraps around my waist and she pulls me down twords her. I let her. She puts her head on my chest. Her breathing slows and i can feel her eyelashes flutter shut. I grab one of her curls, but it slips through my fingers. The clock reads 7:30 AM, and underneath it says Saturday. Putting my head back down on my pillow I breathe out and figure i have enough time to go back to sleep. I'm not doing anything today anyway. She moves again and says, "morning dragon." I grin and she opens her eyes for a minute and I say back, "morning princess." She smiles back and asks me if we can just hang out together today. Sure I tell her, but I'm going back to bed first. "Mkay" And at that we drift off to sleep again.

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