Chapter 4

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a/n: Still don't own the characters, just the plot

Ginny's POV

Urg! Bloody git, that Zabini. One of these days he's going to be on the receiving end of my bat boogie hex. She thinks to herself while following Zabini to the mermaid's picture guarding the Head Dorms. She asks us, "password?" And Zabini leans in and whispers something to her. "Thank you." She says as the pictures swings open. I push past him and into their common room. Bookshelves cover the walls and a large green couch with two large red chairs sit near the fireplace. Dark hardwood flooring half covered in a black shaggy carpet pass under my feet as I walk up the stairs to the Head's bedrooms and bathroom. At the top I turn to the right and open Hermione's door. I look around, expecting to see her buried in a book on her bed, I check there first. Nothing. Her extremely large closet, nothing as well. I walk through another door to their bathroom. The shower isn't running and nobody is in the swimming pool sized bathtub. No one in the loo either. Walking back through her room I go down the stairs and sit with Harry and Ron on the green couch. "No one is here." I tell them. Then Zabini walks twords us from the doorway, where he had been standing, and says, "You still haven't looked everywhere. There's one more place you could check, but I don't blame you if you don't bother looking there. I mean why would she ever go there anyway.""what are you talking about?" I ask him and right as the words escape my mouth I realize what he means. Just check I tell myself. There is no harm in looking, she's probably not there anyway. She couldn't be in there, she would never go there. Just look, just a quick peek. I repeat, like a mantra as I climb the stairs again. At the top I turn back and see Harry and Ron behind me and surprisingly Zabini too. I face the door again and grip the doorknob. I twist it and the door swings in.

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