Chapter 8

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a/n: Characters are not mine, but the plot is.

Blaise's POV

We unfreeze the weasel and he keeps on yelling, but falls silent after noticing where they were. "Why?" He asks. "Why, him?" I've been here the whole time. Can't she see it?" Potter holds his hand up and he stops. "Ron, all I have to say to you is you are the one to blame for that." Weasel flips out again. "What do you mean?! I haven't done anything!!" He yells at him. Potter silences him with a spell and says, "Lavender Brown, Ron, that's what you did wrong." At that he undoes the spell and walks out the door past me. Girl Weasley follows him out and I look out the door after to see them walking back in the direction of the Head Dorms. I glare at Weasel, but he keeps looking at the floor ashamed. I walk out and shut the door behind me. Then go back to Draco thinking he might need a bit more of green in the group of red's.

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