Chapter 5

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a/n: still don't own any of the characters, bu tthe plot is all mine :)

Hermione's POV

I wake up for the second time today to find the sun shining in my face. I trun over an give my boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. His eyes flutter open and meet mine. I hear the door squeek open and his arms tighten around me. I grab my wand off his dresser and point it words the door. We wait in silence for something to happen. Nothing does so I remind him that nobody knows the passowrd except Blaise, we don't have anything to worry about. "I know. Just want to be safe." He says to me. He kisses my forehead and I smile."When are we going to start telling peopl?" I ask. "They are bound to find out one way or another. Even though it is more fun when it's our secret." I tell him. "Whenever you feel comfortable, love." He says to me. "Okay, but we might have a bit of explaining to do today, Drake. Seeing that our friends are currently with their ears against the door listening to us." He smiles at me and wispers in my ear, "then why don't we put on a bit of a show for them princess? What do you say?"  I kiss him as the answer to his question, and Zabini ruins the fun by coughing and interrupting us. Then door swings open to show a questioning look from Blaise, a confused one from Harry, a surprised one from Ginny, and Ron's face covered in pure fury. 

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