Chapter 3

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a/n: Still don't own any of the characters, just the plot.

Blaise's POV

Walking to the Great Hall from the Slytherin common room, I find a Weasley running twords me, wonderful. Wait, actually two Weasley's and Potter, my day is just getting better and better. "What's the password to the Head Dorms? We need to get in." She tells me with an expectant look on her face. "I have to say I'm a bit surprised she hasn't told her precious friends the password yet." "Come on Zabini, quit stalling, we need the password. Just tell me it already so we can be on our way." Girl weasel says impatiently. "There's no fun in just telling you though." I say back to her. "I guess you'll just have to come with us then. Do you think you can bear to be in the presence of Griffindor's longer than you have to?" She says. "Is that a challenge?" She nods her head. "Well in that case I accept. I have been wondering where Draco is anyway." I tell them and start walking in the direction of the Head Dorms.

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