Chapter 2

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a/n: still don't own any of the characters, just the plot

Harry's POV

Ron and I sit at the Griffindor table, waiting for Ginny and Hermione. We were going to Hogsmead together today and have being waiting for what felt like hours for them. All the sudden Ginny runs in and comes over. He face is covered in a worried expression. "She was supposed to meet me and she never came. She is never late. I looked everywhere. I can't find her. We need Zabini." She spouts. "Whoa, Gin, take a breath and chill. who are you talking about?" I ask her. "Hermione. She was supposed to meet me at Griffindor tower so we could walk down to the great hall together, but she never came. I waited a couple minutes for her, but she still didn't come so I went looking for her. I looked almost everywhere, but she was nowhere. I went to the Head Dorms, but that bloody mermaid won't let me in 'cause I don't know their password. Then I remembered that Zabini is the only other person who knows their password, so we need to go find him." She finishes her explanation and I say, "What are we waiting for then, let's go find Zabini." Then Ron adds, "We are not going to have any time in Hogsmead if we don't get there soon." We get up and walk out of the Great Hall and go in the direction of the snake territory in hopes of finding Zabini.

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