Chapter 6

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a/n: Still don't own the characters, just the plot

Hermione's POV

I tell everyone that we can talk in our common room as I get up. But Draco grabs my waist and says, "You're not going anywhere yet princess." I laugh and tell him, "I'd love to stay, but we need to talk to them." "Fine, we'll go talk." He says and I reply, "The sooner we do this, the sooner we can come back." I get up again to see that they all witnessed our exchange of words. I blush and Draco throws me a green jumper of his after he pulls on a black t-shirt to go with his green pajama pants. I slip on the jumper over my tank top and walk down to our common room. Ginny, Harry and Ron sit on the couch, while Blaise is in the chair next to them. Draco goes to the other chair and I sit on the arm of it, but he pulls me onto his lap instead.

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