Chapter 10

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a/n: Characters still aren't mine, but the plot is.

Dumbledore's POV

Sitting in the middle of the Head table I chat with Minerva and Severus. Severus complains about Mr.Potter's failure to do anything in Potions and Minerva tells me what she has been teaching the 8th years. Once most of the students have come in the food appears and they begin to eat. About halfway through the delicious meal the doors open again and five people come in. A few students look up and gasp, after noticing who they are, but I juts smile. Then that obnoxious girl, Miss Parkinson, yells at one of the five who had just walked in. The hall was silent so everyone heard her. "What are yo doing with that Mudblood, Drakie? You're with me not her." Mr. Malfoy then says to Miss Prakinson, "Pansy, I was never with you. And if you ever call her a mudblood again, well you don't want to know what I'll do to you." "But..., but you love me!" She wines to him. "Actually, I don't and I never did." He says and she starts crying and runs out of the Great Hall. Then Mr. Malfoy does somthing a bit unexpleacted, but I knew it would happen eventually. He kisses Miss Granger. I turn twords Minerva and Severus, their mouths open in shock and disbelief. "I told you," I say to them smiling. "I knew it would happen."

A/N:  If you enjoyed this please check out some of my other stories. Updates will be coming out very soon. 

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