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KNOCKS, FOLLOWED BY A CONCERNED VOICE, WERE HEARD FROM BEHIND THE WOODEN DOOR. Bakugo stood up and pulled (y/n) up with him, making sure she could walk with no trouble. Kirishima walked right behind the girl, just in case she passed out. As they grew closer, the voice grew louder, a familiar one sticking out almost immediately. She froze in her tracks feeling bile tickle up her throat slowly. "Kirishima, pass me that blanket quickly, please." Said boy did as he was asked and threw her a blanket. She ruffled up her hair and wrapped the blanket around herself, including the bottom of her face. Bakugo watched as she pushed past him and opened the door to reveal no other than Todoroki.

The blonde growled at the sight of him, stepping up behind the girl with his signature scowl. "(y/n)- oh, Bakugo?" Kirishima popped his head out from behind the two, a soft smile on his face, "and Kirishima too?" (y/n) coughed from underneath the blanket, the bile creeping up more and more. Her legs felt weak at the sight of him and she could feel the rapidly changing vines wrapping around her ankles. "W-what do you need, Shouto?" The two-toned male smiled at the girl, stepping closer. He placed a hand on her forehead which was growing hotter and hotter at his contact.

"Are you okay? You don't look too good."

Bakugo grumbled angrily under his breath along the lines of 'because of you' before Kirishima slapped his arm slightly. "Yeah, I'm kind of... sick." Todoroki frowned slightly at the words, placing his hand on her forehead again, activating his quirk this time to make it colder. (y/n)'s heart sped up as the vines began to bloom in various degrees of colorful flowers. They grew longer, eventually reaching Todoroki's own ankles. The sudden movement startled him and he bent down to examine the vines wrapped around his feet.

"They're really pretty," he stated, looking back up at the girl whose face had now turned a bright red. His beautiful, heterochromatic, eyes entranced her, making the flowers grow larger and more vibrant. He smiled at her expression, causing her to snap out of it and pull back the vines into her skin. "Anyways, I was told to tell you guys to come down but since you're all here it makes it easier," he begun, looking back at (y/n)'s flushed face, "though since I had dinner early today, maybe I should stay back and watch over you while Bakugo and Kirishima go eat."

(y/n) stuttered at the offer before seeing Yaoyorozu come from around the corner. "N-no, it isn't necessary," she said backing up into the room. The bile was rushing up now as she covered her mouth with her hands underneath the blanket. "(y/n), it is. As your friend of two years-" Kirishima flinched at the word used as (y/n) backed up into him, falling into his arms as her legs begun to wrap in thorn filled vines. "Oh! Todoroki!" The sweet voice of Yaoyorozu filled her ears and she winced, petals at the brink of expulsion from her mouth. "(y/n)-" "NO, SHOUTO!"

Petals came from her mouth and Bakugo looked back to see blood dribble down her chin. He looked back to find Todoroki and Yaoyorozu staring at her in confusion. Todoroki stepped forward but Bakugo shoved him back out into the corridor, falling at Yaoyorozu's feet. "Leave Todoroki." The heterochromatic male paled at the use of his name said as if it were poison as he watched his best friend become concealed by a stupid wooden door.



Todoroki looked back to see his friend who's skin was becoming paler with every passing day. It was scarce to see her out of her room, Bakugo and Kirishima being the ones who were with her all the time. He was hurt and, most of all, confused. She never sat with him in the lunchroom with Midoriya and the others anymore or sparred with him when she finished with her school work. Now, all she did was sleep, eat, and hide away from his prying eyes.

"Nishiya, you have to come to eat at dinner with everyone in the dorms. People are getting suspicious of us," muttered Kirishima as he walked beside the girl. Bakugo walked on the other side with his hands in his pockets, scowling at any person who came close. Small vines wrapped around her shaking hands, as if her body was trying to get her to calm down. Kirishima watched as they turned to thorns before retracting back, making the girl's hand bleed. She sighed softly, Bakugo passing her some white bandages. She pulled the fabric around her palm, watching as it turned red.

"You should talk to your dad or brother about this (y/n), something isn't right with your quirk," fretted the red-haired boy as he took her hand into his own to examine it. "No, duh, she's vomiting flowers every day," mumbled Bakugo, causing the other boy to shush him. "Look, I know you guys are concerned and all but I can't tell them. They'd be too disappointed." Kirishima gave the girl a pat on the back, "I'm sure they wouldn't be. For all you know, they could've gone through it too." The girl shook her head, "I can't tell them either way."

Both boys sighed, leading the girl away from the crowded hallway all the while petals fell from her injured hands.


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