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IT HAD BEEN WEEKS SINCE THE ACCIDENT AND (Y/N) MADE THE HABIT OF AVOIDING TODOROKI EVEN MORE. The meds weren't helping as much as they used to, leaving her with the annoying result of the vines wrapping around her so tight that her circulation would get cut off. Some times, the thorns would come out and puncture into her delicate skin and stay there, making her have to forcefully rip them out- those were the worst. The Chrysanthemums began to become more and more frequent, making her have to hurry to the bathroom and throw them up.

Coincidentally, at that very moment she was throwing up in the toilet, red Chrysanthemums pouring out from her throat. The final petal fell as she brushed away any blood or bile that stained her lips. She trudged out of the stall, washing her hands before opening the door to the bathroom to reveal Bakugo and Kirishima standing outside of it.

"It's back again?" asked Kirishima, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. She then winced at the contact, Kirishima taking his hand back almost immediately, "sorry, I forgot that happened last night." Thinking back to night before, her hands shook. She had awoken in the middle of the night to find the vines wrapping around her arm and shoulder so hard it left bruises behind. (y/n) let out a hum as if to say 'it's fine' with a smile before being started by the warning bell.

(y/n) felt another itch in her throat and waved them off. "I'll catch up with you guys in a bit," she mumbled, the flower making her voice raspier than it had been. The two nodded before walking off hand-in-hand. Her smile faltered slightly as she rushed off to another stall.

Bile and blood rushed up again suffocating her silently. Just as the flower came out, the door to the bathroom slammed open. (y/n) froze in her spot, forgetting all about the flower that was stuck in her throat. She heard hushed voices and the ruffling of clothes which peaked her interest. The thought of breathing properly finally hit her and she pulled it out only to be met with thorny vines attached to the flower. It caught in her throat, tears falling from her eyes like a waterfall- yet she made no noise.

It seemed like ages as she pulled it out slowly wincing with every thorn. Just as she thought it would never end, it did, leaving the sight of a Chrysanthemum surrounded by thorny vines before her in its white porcelain prison. Her breath caught in her throat at the sound of soft moans. Interest flooded her mind as she peeked through the small crack in the stall door.

There against the wall was Yaoyorozu, Jiro pushing her against the wall as they locked lips. Plain vines wrapped around her arms before retracting as though it was trying to give her moral support. "Jiro-" "Kyoka." (y/n) heard more moans as the two continued to make out. "K-Kyoka, we have to be careful until Todoroki can muster up the courage to tell the girl he likes how he feels!" sputtered Yaoyorozu, the vines wrapping quickly around (y/n) again. Jiro backed up slightly with a sigh, "okay, but until then we can still meet up like this... right?" Yaoyorozu nodded with reddened cheeks.

In only a few seconds they were gone and (y/n) had collapsed against the stall wall. Todoroki likes someone else? A surge of energy rushed through her body as she rushed out of the bathroom. She ran down the hall, laughter emitting from her as she twirled down it. The vines around her arms laid there loosely, booming various different colored flowers. She slammed the door of 1-A open to reveal her confused classmates. "Sorry I'm late 'Zawa!" Said girl let out a small giggle and skipped over to her seat all the while her friends and teacher stared in confusion.

"Er... Katsuki, do you think (y/n)'s okay?"

Both males stared at the girl who was currently making flower crowns for everyone in the room. Earlier, Aizawa was her target, his black hair tied back into a braid with flowers poking out of it like some Rapunzel rip-off. She had also made him a flower crown which adorned his head. The other girls had been trying to resist joining her but they also knew she was acting awfully out of character so they didn't dare come close.


"H-hey, Nishiya, are you doing okay?" asked Midoriya, accompanied by Uraraka. "I'm doing great! You know what, you need a flower crown!" exclaimed (y/n), leaping up from her seat on the couch. The vines wrapped around her arms grew before breaking off. Nishiya made it into a circle and placed it on the greenette's head with a smile. "Say, do you two wanna know what's making me so happy?!" Uraraka nodded before (y/n) brought them close to her.

"Shouto likes somebody else!"

The two teens froze and stared at each other. "Uh, maybe it's that girl from 1-B?" suggested Uraraka, trying to cover for Todoroki. (y/n) stopped, the vines wrapped around her arms now wrapping around her waist and digging into her skin. Why had she believed it was her? Her once happy demeanor faltered as the vines began to change from thornless into ones who did. Petals rose up into her mouth as she began to cough.

Midoriya paled, "I mean- who knows though, right?" Petals escaped her throat, causing Midoriya and Uraraka to go into a panic. All the flower crowns she had made began to wilt alongside the ones on her arms, alarming everyone who had one. Just as she felt bile rise up her throat, a smooth voice echoed from behind her. "(y/n), can we talk?"

Todoroki stared down at her, his cheeks tinged a slight pink. The petals dissipated in her mouth and the bile sunk back down as she stuttered out a reply, "s-sure!" He followed behind his illuminated silhouette in the darkness of the dorm hallways. Her heart was beating like a drum, one with an intense beat that she couldn't stop.

He led her up to the roof, the stars shining brightly in the night sky. "It's so beautiful up here," she spouted, a smile gracing her features. Todoroki chuckled at her childish manner and brought his hand over to hers, intertwining both of them. The vines wrapped around her arms before retracting quickly; no marks made and no blood spilt.


Before she could say anything else, he brought her into his arms, his warmth heating her up slightly. "Before you say anything, I just want to tell you that you're the most beautiful girl I have ever met. And I know you had to suffer all of that because of me. You probably won't forgive me but I wanted to let you know I..." Her shaking shoulders and sniffles brought him out of his trance, his pale hands pulling her away slightly to examine her pained features. Yet even with the tears, she smiled at him.

"You idiot, I would always forgive you. No matter what."

Todoroki's heterochromatic eyes widened as the wind blew through their hair, ruffling it. The space between them seemed so far yet they were so close together. His smooth hands rose up to caress her reddened cheeks as he let out a small chuckle, tears falling from his eyes too. His smile made the odd taught spot in her chest to go away after being there for so long.

"Nishiya (y/n), I love you so god damn much."

More tears fell to the ground as their lips clashed in perfect harmony, the longing for one another finally settled. They pulled away with matching smiles all the while ambrosias grew from her arms.

good ending.

ambrosias represent reciprocated love.


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