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NISHIYA HAD NEVER REALLY NOTICED WHAT TYPE OF FLOWERS SHE THREW UP UNTIL VERY RECENTLY. They were the same ones she placed at her mother's grave, how funny. Maybe they would see each other soon and that was the reason she was throwing those up specifically. She didn't remember throwing those up before, even though she never paid attention to it, she was certain those were new.

(y/n) wiped away the leftover bile and blood from her paling lips for some hundreth time, standing up and trudging over to the two boys which sat outside the bathroom. "Should we go over the plan again, (y/n)?" The girl nodded, taking a seat against the door to the room she was previously in. "Okay then. We'll all walk down there together and you and Bakugo will act as a couple and sit together and stuff, hopefully getting Todoroki's attention. You've been ignoring him a lot and hanging with us so he'll most likely be jealous that you're spending more time with your 'boyfriend' than with him," explained Kirishima, jumping up to stretch out his limbs. The other two nodded, Bakugo helping the frail girl up as carefully as he could.

"(y/n), if you feel sick, pull on the hem of Bakugo's shirt and we'll get you out of there," stated the redhead, walking alongside them before pushing open the door. The three teens made their way down the stairs to the common room, greeting their classmates cheerfully. The arm around (y/n)'s waist was not ignored though. Wolf whistles came from Sero and Kaminari who shut up quickly at the sight of Bakugo's angry glare. They finally reached the dining room, (y/n) finding herself sitting with an empty seat to her left.

She fiddled with her hands, small vines wrapping then retracting on her heavily scarred fingers. (y/n) could feel the arm around her shoulder that laid there casually as if it was normal. "Bakugo and Nishiya?!" Said teens looked over to find Uraraka's signature pink cheeks turning a brighter pink, "Are you guys together?!" Both nodded somewhat awkwardly, Bakugo snapping back with a 'you got a problem round-face?' (y/n) let out a small giggle as she leaned into his arm, "calm down, Bakugo. She was just curious." Uraraka smiled at the girl, taking a seat across from her as others did as well. "I just thought that maybe you and Todoroki would get together, haha," she chirped unaware of (y/n)'s not paling face.

"Did someone call my name?"

Just as she thought it wouldn't get any better, he appeared and took the seat next to her. Bile rose up once more causing her to quickly reach for the glass of water in front of her. She chugged it down quickly, hoping no one would notice her odd behavior. "H-hey, Shouto," croaked (y/n) as she felt thorny vines wrap around her limbs once more. She prayed silently they wouldn't cut too deep, wincing as unnoticeably as she could.

"(y/n), are you okay?" asked Bakugo, somewhat softly. "Yeah, I'm fine- Katsuki," hesitated Nishiya as she turned to her plate. The food seemed oddly off-putting, making her push it away slightly. She felt her side warm up, turning to find Todoroki poking at his soba. "So, how's it been going, Shouto?" asked the girl, as she felt the vines tighten slightly. "Good." (y/n) was taken aback at the short response, the vines getting slightly tighter to the point to where it was getting slightly uncomfortable. "Oh, that's nice to hear. Anything new?" She watched as Todoroki gripped onto his chopsticks tighter, causing her slight concern.

"As a matter of fact, there is," he spat as he stared down at his soba. Vines began to crawl up around her shoulders, reaching the base of her neck. "I'm dating Yaoyorozu now." Bile. "She asked me out a while ago. I actually really enjoy her company." Vines. Bakugo was looking over now, tapping Kirishima on the leg to watch as well. "I might just love her."

A sharp tug on Bakugo's shirt sent him barreling to get (y/n)' s struggling body. She fell to the floor with a thud, alerting everyone around. Uraraka screamed, Midoriya rushing over to find (y/n) struggling against her own quirk. He watched fearfully as large thorns protrude out before retracting into itself. She pulled at them, her hands covered in the same vines. "K-Kaminari! Get Aizawa!" Said boy rushed out of the dorm towards the main building as fast he could, his heart beating like a drum.

Kirishima was frantic, trying to help her pull at the vines but each time it got harder to determine which vines were hurting her and which ones weren't. Todoroki was held back by Midoriya, who shouted at him to let go. Bakugo stomped forward and punched the two-toned boy and shouted at him, pure anger evident in his eyes. "Stay the fuck away, Todoroki." He turned back to help Kirishima as blood and petals flew out of her mouth.

Footsteps hurried into the room, Aizawa paling at the sight of the girl struggling against her own quirk. There was blood near the girl and the vines kept scratching at her skin. He rushed over to her and looked into her eyes, activating his quirk. The vines went back into her skin, causing the girl to sputter in relief. "T-Thank you-" She was cut off by another coughing fit, only to find a red chrysanthemum resting in her shaking hands. Looking up at her frightened teacher, she smiled before falling into his chest.


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