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RACKING PAINS SWEPT THROUGH HER BODY FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME THAT DAY, HER SQUIRMING BODY CRYING FOR HELP. She was doing great for a couple of weeks after the meds but in the end, they seemed to worsen her condition. (y/n) fell off her bed in pain as tears fell from her dull eyes. Vines wrapped around her whole body, their sharp thorns ripping at her skin as it squeezed her to the point where she couldn't breathe. She gasped for air until it finally receded. The (h/c) haired girl hacked and coughed, reaching for her phone on her nightstand.

She shakily got up from the floor and trudged to the bathroom, turning on the news as she walked past her tv. The bland voice of the weatherman resounded throughout her dorm room.

"Heavy rainstorms tonight as a possible typhoon may be under watch..."

Turning on the water, she found it only came out cold, the hot water refusing to turn on. With a heavy sigh, she stripped off her pajamas and stepped in, the freezing water causing her to shiver. The water washed away the blood from her cuts, the red stained water swirling down the metal drain. She finished soon after, shaking in her attempt to get a towel. Bandages laid on the sink's counter and she took them before quickly wrapping them while sitting on the edge of the bathtub.

In the background now she could hear a news reporter talking about the severity of the storm. She didn't care to listen, reaching for her school uniform. It had grown looser over the past months seeing as though she could barely ever eat without throwing it back up with the flowers. She clenched her fists, grabbing a safety pin and pinning the skirt tighter. Instead of the spring uniform, she took the winter, long-sleeved blouse and put it on. Ditching the tie, she brushed her hair but decided against tying it up. The water outside would make it frizz out anyway.

(y/n) looked at her drawer, contemplating on whether or not to wear the tights instead of the socks. Of course, with her terrible luck, she ended up having to choose the socks since her tights (she found) had holes in them. The (h/c)-ette rolled up the black socks before slipping on her shoes.

"It looks like it has already begun to start raining! We also have just received news that the typhoon will hit earlier today at around 4 in the afternoon today. Schools have not yet been cancelled-"

The screen went black, permanently shutting up the reporter whose voice she had become annoyed with in only a few minutes. She threw on her blazer and a raincoat, then slipping her backpack on. With an umbrella in hand, she walked out of her room only to find Katsuki and Kirishima approaching her.

"How're you feeling, (y/n)?" beamed the red head, his hand held tightly by none other than Bakugo. "I'm doing okay," she replied, "how are you two doing." Kirishima flashed his pearly whites, "I'm pretty excited for that typhoon. I think we could all go for a break since final exams are coming up soon!" Bakugo grunted, "we have enough breaks but if you say so, I guess..." Kirishima burst out in laughter before nudging (y/n), "he can be so odd sometimes."

"You two sure do go great together," she smiled causing Katsuki to frown. "Let me guess. Things with ice pack aren't going well." The girl shook her head with a frown. Kirishima's lips tightened before he tugged (y/n) alongside them. "It'll be fine. I'm sure of it."

(y/n) laid her head down on her desk, turning it slightly to look at the window from afar. Lightning and thunder raged outside the window, all the while Present Mic continued to talk in english. Suddenly the bell rang, leaving everyone to jump out of their seats to run for the lunchroom. "(y/n), are you coming?" went to call out Kirishima, wanting to see if the girl would come with him. Instead he found Todoroki, standing in front of her. Kirishima's face paled at the sight of (y/n)'s sickened face.

"(y/n), I can't keep hiding this forever. I know. I just wanted to let you know I don't-"

The girl fell from her chair and ran out, stumbling towards the back door. Kirishima did a double take before running after the girl. "(Y/N)!" He ran as fast as he could, rushing past a mess of ash blonde hair. (y/n) ignored the voice and continued running feeling bile rush up from her throat. It was getting harder to breathe now. Just as she reached for the girls' bathroom door, it was pulled open to reveal Yaoyorozu.

"Oh, (y/n)! Have you talked to Todo-"

(y/n) slapped a hand over her mouth as she continued to run for the entrance of the building. All of a sudden, a voice came over the intercom telling all students to go back to their dorms due to the typhoon. She couldn't hear it. All she heard was the intense pounding in her ears and the feeling of vines ripping apart her insides. The doors bust open, leaving (y/n) to feel the full force of the storm. She brought up a hand to block her face as she felt the pit in her stomach drop.

Falling to the ground, (y/n) let out a gut-wrenching scream, the vines ripping out of her arms. Yet she continued on, dragging herself to the closest place she could find. She could faintly hear her name being shouted but the pain was too overwhelming for her to care. Tears fell from her eyes as she felt arms wrap around her. "LET ME GO, TODOROKI!"

She pushed him away as blood seeped from the wounds, her stomach feeling like she had been stabbed over and over. Todoroki watched in horror as the girl he loved puked up vines and destroyed flowers. "(Y/N)! Please let me help-" "You can't!" More tears fell from her eyes as vines ripped apart her chest, causing her to scream once more. She could faintly see a blob of black hair followed by red and yellow. Todoroki pulled her back into his arms, not caring a bit as vines scratched his skin.

It was if everything had gone into slow-motion.

Todoroki was pulled away by Katsuki and Kirishima as Aizawa rushed to the barely conscious girl. She could hear sirens. They seemed heavenly to her. Behind Aizawa, she could see Todoroki thrashing against Katsuki's grip, screaming and crying for him to let go. She had made him go through the same thing twice. His shirt was ripped at the sleeves because of the vines and she frowned. He had felt all this pain because of her.

More tears fell from her eyes as she trembled in Aizawa's arms. His hands were stained with crimson and she thought that maybe for a second he was crying too. She looked back to the boys only to find the rest of class 1-A rushing towards them all. Todoroki flew back and she expected Katsuki to have done the damage but instead she found Kirishima raging.

Jiro dragged along Yaoyorozu with intertwined hands all the while Todoroki reached for (y/n), screaming and bawling.

It didn't make sense.

She reached for him one last time, a Narcissus flower growing from her scratched palm, before her view was only the red of Aizawa's eyes. A halo of blue and red illuminated his silhouette before he was replaced with Todoroki. Her hand felt warm as she was lifted up onto something cold.

The lights grew brighter now but instead of red and blue they were white.



bad ending

narcissus represent unreciprocated love.

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