Chapter 20

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Alright before we start I want to say, thank you for your support yesterday. So from what I saw on her message board is that she's fine now. So I deleted the last update. I'm still gonna try to stay alert you can too if you want.

But like I said, thank you. I'm pretty sure she has thanked most of the people if you check her message board.

This goes for everyone though, please don't try to do suicide. If you ever need to talk to someone talk to me.

Okay now 4th day of the contest.


Y/N's P.O.V

"Hey, dorks!" I rolled my eyes as I turned around. Oh and guess who it was, that's right Dawn.

"What the hell does this bitch want now?" I whispered not really giving a fuck.

"Let's play a game!" Dawn said. Ah hell no nigga! I thought ready to smack Katy's mask off. "Oh I know! How 'bout hide and seek?! You hide! And I seek." She said while jumping onto the ground.

I then noticed she was aiming for me. Oh goodie. I lifted my bō staff ready to smack her but Hiro got in the way and punched her right in the face.

"You okay Y/N?" He smiled. "I haven't been touched, so yeah." I replied. "I'll take care of her." He said.

"Okay." I nodded. I ran over where I saw Callaghan and Moon fighting with the others.

Tadashi wasn't here since he was probably gonna have a different job.

I then saw Gogo throwing her discs at Star. She dogded it and yelled, "Listen to me!"

"I thought you couldn't speak!" Gogo growled. With that Star stopped, "Alright just because I don't speak doesn't mean I can't!"

"Shit!" Star said as she dogded the same disc that she dodged earlier. "You'll regret ever hurting my boyfriend and our friend!" Gogo yelled through griited teeth.

"You have a boyfriend?! Even I can't believe that! No offense or anything," Star began as she dogded another disc. "But I thought you were into girls!"

"Oh that's it!" Gogo began skating towards her but I got in the way and stood in front of Star.

"Wait!" I yelled covering my face as I noticed Gogo was getting too close. Yet luckily she stopped. "What's going on?" She asked. "Star's the one that set me free." I explained. "I know it's complicated, but you have to trust her." I said.

"Talking about trust," Star took a deep breath. "Never mind it's not important, but something else is." Star said. "Aki's hurt and apparently your dog, Summer is at our place."

"Alright! Let's go!" I was about to go but Gogo stopped us. "I'll go with you. It could be a trap."


Hiro's P.O.V

"I won't hurt you!" Dawn yelled dodging every one of my attacks. "Why not?!" I yelled. "Because, I just can't!" She yelled. Though she was actually starting to relax.

She was sounding less psychopathic and more... normal.

"Oh shut up!" I was finally able to kick her stomach. She gasped for air as she tried to get up. She then looked up but not at me. "Star, that idiot!" She yelled. "Baymax!" I called. He flew over and landed. "Take her back and lock her up, in Y/N's place." I said.

I knew Y/N's house, mansion had a room without windows and a door where you could look through.

I ran over to where Y/N, Gogo, and Star was.

"Hiro!" Y/N smiled once I caught up. "This is Star my friend." Y/N introduced us. Star just scoffed when she saw me and kept on going.

I decided to shrug it off though she reminded me of Ayumi from our school.

We had to walk through a rain forest which honestly I didn't know we had.


We walked into a huge brick building. That's when Star began to run inside. She stopped and turned, "Come on!" She said. So we ran with her.

We then walked into a dark room where only a little bit of light was shining but it seemed like the brightest room here.

"Hey Aki." Star whispered. 'Arf, arf!' "Summer!" I saw my girlfriend exclaim. "Huh?" I heard someone yawn.

"Y/N!" I saw Aki sit up and hug her. She then hissed in pain as she pulled her arm back. "I got stabbed by my-" Y/N covered her mouth quickly before whispering something into her ear.

"Oh." Aki said. "Well let's get you out of here." Star said helping Aki up.

I could notice Aki blush as Star touched her hand to help her up.

Is Aki lesbian? Not that there's anything wrong with that!


We all went to Y/N's house where we saw a stunned Melody.

"What the fuck! Where were you?! And why did Baymax bring a girl into the house?!" Melody said.

"Long story." Y/N said.


Here you go updates, updates, updates! *gives free hugs*

Q: Hey Miss Angela could you give Wasabi a girlfriend?
A: I'll see what I can do. If you want give me a name for the character and her race. I want my readers to feel connected to the story.

Meepspark1 out~!

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