Chapter 6

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Dipper pulled his shirt forward self consciously while chatting with Wendy while he was supposed to be working

"Yea so me and my friends are gonna hang in the woods later it'll be pretty chill" Wendy said leaning back in her chair so  far that a middle school teacher would lecture her about cracking her head open. "oh, that's cool, cool very cool seems fun" Dipper said awkwardly, it's not that he didn't like her, because oh boy did he like her (Dip u got no chance man) he was just very awkward and terrible at social situations.

"Do you wanna hang? You've hung with us before, they liked you dude, except Robbie." Dipper smiled "yea!"


Mabel voice boomed from the other side of the house, Dipper chose to ignore her but Wendy laughed.


Dipper was sitting on the couch with Mabel waiting for his friends to come pick him up,  he had hung out with them all before quiet often so he was more comfortable but still got a bit anxious.

"So you're going to go on a date with your girlfriend??" Mabel laughed "She's only a friend Mabel drop it jeez"
"sureee" Mabel said with a giggle  to which Dipper rolled his eyes.

A knock came from he door and Dipper  shot up to get the door

"Hi Wendy!" "hey Dip" Wendy nodded walking towards the car, Dipper got in the back seat like normal because Robbie always stole the front seat, he hated that guy.

They soon arrived far enough into the woods to be able to be loud and have fun without being caught. 

Nate and Lee where running around chasing Thompson with a spider that wasn't even that big, Tambry seemed annoyed about the bad cell service and Dipper, Wendy and Robbie where sitting on a log, Robbie was directly next to Wendy not Dipper obviously.

Wendy was laughing at Thompson running from the spider and Robbie was just watching , Dipper hated spiders but didn't want to make it obvious, he wanted Wendy to think he was cool

"OOOH DIPPER" Lee yelled running up to Dipper with the spider "Wait no!-" Dipper yelled jumping off the log and running, at this point Wendy was wheezing of laughter and Robbie had also started to laugh.

Dipper was running, he was having a hard time breathing because of his binder "Guys stop" He yelled his voice cracking , He began to feel a bit lightheaded and tripped, "AAH!" Dipper cried with a embarrassing voice crack 

Lee fell to his knees laughing, squashing the spider by accident (A moment of silence for the spider, you will be missed)

Dipper was gasping for breath

"Hey little dude, you good? You seem to be having a little trouble breathin' or somethin?" 

Dipper nodded and Wendy got up and threw a water bottle at him which Dipper drank.  "Jeez kid if you're tired from that no offense but you need to go outside more" Nate teased, Dipper laughed "Yea well at least I have an excuse for running bad, I'm 12! unlike you slow pokes" "Slow pokes?! Man your little girl legs where dying from that!" Lee laughed 

Dipper knew he was joking but his face still felt hot from "Hey you OK? I was only kidding" Nate said awkwardly after Dipper was silent "Huh? Oh yea heh heh..." 

Everyone was kinda awkwardly quiet, they could tell Nate had actually hurt him by accident but didn't realize why.

Dipper thought for a moment and remembered a conversation him and Mabel had had


~~Short flashback~~

"Dipper it doesn't matter if they find out, they're chill people and even if they weren't you wouldn't want to be friends with them anyways, right?" "Yea but what if they think differently?"  "Then they wouldn't be worth it Dip" "Yea...I guess"



"OK, well I am going to be honest for a moment and I am sorry to make the moment serious but I hope you all accept me,"

"Uhhhh, OK?" Wendy said confused

"I am....Trans and would really rather people not make jokes about that" Dipper admitted quietly. 'They're chill people I'm sure they won't care' He thought 

"Oh, OH SHIT sorry dude!" Nate exclaimed realizing,  "Ohhhh, OK I'll keep that in mind dude" Lee said. Tambry actually looked up from her phone for once and nodded (This is her way of lazily saying she accepts him)

"Dude that's cool, I only wish you'd have told me earlier man! I like making fun of you guys but I don't wanna actually make anyone uncomfortable" Wendy exclaimed giving the thumbs up, Dipper smiled, even though he knew the chances of them being rude about it where very low it was still nerve wracking. 

Robbie still hadn't said anything yet, he was kinda just staring, Wendy elbowed him "Dude at least say something" She muttered "The hell am I s'posed to say? ..Same? I don't know??"

"Wait hold on..same?!" Dipper asked excitedly forgetting he was supposed to hate him for a second "I mean, duh what about me say's cis? You see the fuckin black nail polish right?

Dipper couldn't help but smile "So um...would you, I mean you pass well, I was wondering-" 
"Chill kid you pass fine you don't need any passing tips...Jeez"
But he was secretly happy he wasn't the only one now.


Dipper told Mabel all about what happened when he got home, Mabel had smiled and told him that she told him they wouldn't care.

He was happy. 

An: Shut up and let me project onto both Dipper and Robbie, there is one more character that will also be revealed as trans in a future chapter!

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