Chapter 9

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Dipper walked down the stairs to see Ford leaning against the kitchen counter with a  mug in hand. " Don't mind me" He smiled " Just getting breakfast and heading back to the basement" Ford said walking towards the vending machine to go back to the basement "Um, wait could I ask something quickly" Dipper asked fidgeting his hands. Ford stopped and turned around "Sure, What it is?" "So uh, everything with my x-ray and stuff read as normal?" Ford nodded "Yes...everything appeared normal. Why? Is something wrong? I can do another reading if you are worried"

Dipper shook his head "No!...I mean, no that's OK I was just curious" Ford looked confused but didn't comment "Ok well if you need me you know where I'll be" Ford said opening the entrance, stopping for a moment to see if Dipper would speak again but leaving once he didn't.

~~~Timeskip to a few days later~~~ 

Ford was sitting in the living room next to Stan, (Mabel and Dipper sat on the floor) Watching Duck-tective,  "I don't understand the appeal in children's cartoons honestly, I mean the "Plot twist of a twin brother? Lazy writing" Ford said "Yea whatever poindexter" Stan responded. Ford sat up "I'm going back to my lab, this I a way" Dipper stood up quickly "Wait can I come? Please?? I-I'm smart and responsible so I'd be safe!" Ford looked at Stan "I don't know.." Stan looked back at him and then to Dipper and sighed "Finee,  But if he comes back with hurt I swear-" "Thanks Grunkle Stan" Dipper said rushing to stand next to Ford.

The two went to his secret entrance and down the elevator "Make sure to be careful, don't touch anything unless I tell you you can" Dipper nodded exitetdly, he still couldn't believe he was with the author of the journals, and even better HE WAS RELATED TO HIM.

The doors opened and the two walked in, Dipper noticed it was cleaner than before, there where a few more things inside that hadn't been there before, as they walked Ford asked "So why is it you wanted to come? To explore? or ask questions? Because if you would like to ask questions about things in here or anything else you may but I may not be able to anseer all of them" Dipper nodded again "I was hoping to ask questions" Ford smiled. Dipper asked a few simple questions in the room they where standing in and Ford answered a few of them, not all in complete answers but enough to satisfy a bit of curiosity. 

Once Dipper asked his questions about that room, and a few about the multiverse, the two entered the main part of the lab. 

The smell was a mixture of dust and chemicals, Dipper glanced round the room and saw something hanging on the wall, Ford looked down at him "This room has even more dangerous things than the last, so just really  be sure not to touch anything unless you ask" Ford said once again. "I'll be careful" Dipper responded absent mindedly, distracted by what was hung on the wall in the left corner. A blue, pink and white flag, a trans flag. 

Ford noticed that he seemed distracted and followed his eyes to where he kept glancing, "Oh that, yes a few of my belongings that I had in other places of the house Stan stored elsewhere, but I got them back and keep them down here, probably why you don't recognize a few things down here" 

Dipper smiled. 

He continued to look around for a bit and ask questions, there where more questions Ford didn't answer but he tried his best.  Eventually Dipper gathered the courage to ask one more question before he had to go to bed. "So, the flag that's hung, it's the trans flag right?" Dipper wasn't sure why he even asked that, I mean, it is the trans flag, maybe he just wanted confirmation that indeed that was hung on purpose.  "It is, yes" Ford responded "So, um, are you- I mean" Ford chuckled "Yes I am a trans man, it's alright to ask" Ford said with a smile, Dipper smiled back "Oh, that's- that's cool I just thought it was cool because, I mean.. I am too" Dipper said, he felt Ford pat his back, "Thank you for telling me, I'm proud of you" Ford remarked.

Dipper felt closer to Ford after that day.

The only downside was Ford lecturing him for binding to long ...

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