Chapter 8

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Dipper could hardly believe his own senses, a portal?! the multiverse?! Stan has a brother?! it was all so much to take in at once.

Admittedly he was a bit ... persistent with his constant questions towards Stans brother, Ford was his name, Unfortunately Ford said he could not answer all of his questions, Dipper was then made to submit to a multitude of tests to make sure that the exposure to the portals opening had not done any extensive damage, also that the shock had not caused any mental damage either. 

Dipper was most worried about the x-ray, it was intended to make sure that his bones have not "Withered or melted from the exposure" which Ford admittedly didn't know if that was possible, but it was better safe than sorry. Dipper was pretty confident that nothing had happened to his bones since he felt fine but he did remember a few years back in science class a teacher explaining how male and female bone structures are different and how scientists use this to determine the sex of a skeleton. This was the part that made him anxious.

"Alright, the results of the scanning are coming in now, and then we can proceed onto the mental aspect" Ford said to Dipper as the image with the scanning on it printed, Dipper nodded. Ford scanned the picture for any anomaly's, "Well everything seems to be physically fine so that's good, lets move on to make sure you're mind is fine, this is understandably a lot to take in at once" Ford smiled at him. Dipper felt a wave of relief and smiled as well "I feel fine, but could I ask you one more question about the journal-" Ford laughed "heh heh, you remind me of myself when I was your age, ask away"   

Dipper and Fords shared interest in the paranormal helped to create a great friendship, that and playing dungeons dungeons and more dungeons together, in the living room- he still wasn't allowed in the basement. Dipper occasionally questioned why Ford never commented on the fact that his bone structure was a female one, but never asked about it in case he just simply hadn't realized, then that would have been embarrassing, he did mention it to Mabel though. 

"Yea he just kept on talking, he acted like it was no surprise or anything" " I don't know sciency stuff Dipper I cheated off you in basically all my classes" Was all Mabel responded with and Dipper threw Mabel's plush rabbit at her head.

Later that night Dipper though to himself 'Maybe he did realize and just didn't care, I mean Grunkle Stan didn't care either so it's not much of a stretch..."

He was tired so he decided to think about it in the morning. 

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