Our New Home

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        I move but this time I'm more comfortable. I don't feel the boxes digging into my back or the barrels wood rubbing my back raw. Am I dead? I feel the warmth of the sun and I move my hand and feel grass touch the tips on my fingers. I open my eyes and immediately cover them. Shielding my sight from the blaring sun.

I hear muffled voices... distorted almost. I can't hear what they are saying. I try to listen closer but an awful high pitched ringing stops me. I cover my ears to try and quiet down the ringing. It doesn't help in the slightest. I sit up still clutching my head. The ringing gets painfully loud. I let out a painful shriek and squeeze my hand over my ears. Then it just vanishes.

I hear muffled thuds and footsteps then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I flinch not knowing who is currently touching my shoulder. Maybe one of the boys from earlier inside the dark room? Or someone else? I slowly open my eyes a little blurry from my tears.

I see a open field of grass lined with trees. Those trees are lined with stone walls. Covered in thick green ivy, vines and moss. I turn around and see a group of boys staring at me with mixed emotions relief, worry, and confusion.

I study each boy. The first boy I notice was shorter than the other boys. He had very pale skin. His hair was chestnut brown and fell just beneath his cheeks. He seemed to be worried. His olive colored eyes scanned me as I did to him. Our eyes met and I smiled. He looked younger than the rest.

I shifted my attention to a boy next to him. The next was a dark skinned boy. He is taller than the first guy and muscular for his age. His hair was dark and curly and he had very deep and dark eyes. He seemed relived I was awake.

I looked at the boy next to them both. He was as muscular as the second boy. His face lightly speckled in freckles. He was a very pale as if he lived without a sun his entire life. I laughed a little at my remark. As I studied him his expression went sour and his brows furrowed which made an odd but familiar shape.

As I scanned the last boy I noticed they are all around the same age 14-16. The first boy seemed youngest maybe 10. I peeled my eyes off of him and onto the boy with his arm on my shoulder. He was thinner but muscular at the same time. Dirty blonde hair that was push in all sorts of different directions fell right above his eyes. His deep brown eyes made me feel like I was being pulled in. Drawn by something. His bottom lip bigger than the top. Which gave him a cute puppy face.

The dark skinned boy laughed. I peel my gaze away from the last boy to him.
"Seems like she taken a liking to you already." He laughed again.

I try to stand up ignoring his comment. But my body ached. I almost stumble. I didn't even realize the boy with dirty blond hair was helping me stand. "Be careful, you hit your head pretty bad." I'm startled by his British accent.

I didn't expect it yet it seemed familiar. Why does that seem familiar? Why can't I remember anything? I start to breath heavily and I sit back down. Tears fill my eyes as I cant remember my parents or siblings if I had any. I rub them away harshly not wanting to cry in front of the boys. I didn't want to seem weak. I wanted to be strong for the little boy.

"I remembered my name it's Alby." The dark skinned boy tries to change the subject.

"I-lm Jessie." The short boy with brown hair fidgets with his shirt button nervously.

" Newt." The dirty blonde haired boy says while rubbing my back with his thumb. Not even paying any attention.
The freckled boy looks away in frustration. I slowly shake my head.

"I-I don't know my name..." I'm shocked at my voice as it's the first time I've heard it. I see the freckled boys face relaxes.

"Well this is our new home for now...so..." he trails off looking at the tree line. "Everyone go grab anything that.... you think will be useful."

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