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        Alby and the boy who doesn't remember his name turn and leave towards the left side. Newt looks down at me from the direction Alby walked off in. His eyes get big when he realizes he's rubbing my back.

"Oh eh... sorry about that..." His eyes met mine and I laugh a little.

"It's okay it was comforting." He smiles and starts lifting me up again. When I got to my feet I brushed the dirt off and scanned the area. I notice Jessie is still here. I begin to walk towards the right side of the tree line. I stop and turn back. "Well are you just gonna stand there or are you coming to help?" I laughed and began walking again as the two boys jogged over. We reached the tree line when Jessie shifted uneasily.

"S-should we even go in there? How do we know it's safe?" His eyes scan the ground. I look around and pick up a rock and throw it into the bushes making a bunny hop out to another bush. "Do we have to kill it?" His voice was shaky.

I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Well need a fire before we kill it. And I don't think we'll have a fire for a while." I smile at him and walk over to the bush I threw the rock in.

It's a berry bush with very few berries on it. The bunny was probably munching on them when I threw the rock. I look around again looking for more berry bushes and I spot only Jessie. "Newt?" My voice a little quiet. I hear rustling to my left and I jump back towards Jessie. "Jessie go get the other boys..." my voice was quiet but loud enough for him to hear. For as jumpy that boy was I expected him to already be half way there.

"What about you?" He whispered back.

"I have to get newt..." Jessie begins running to the tree line on the other side. I begin walking backwards my eyes never leaving the direction the rustling leaves. I walk into a tree and I use my hands to slowly maneuver around it. I trip on a root poking out of the ground and fall on my rear end. The rustling stops and I hold my breath. I feel the color leave my body. Was I going to get mauled by a huge animal? Just then Newt pops out. I let out an unexpected shriek making Newt jump a little. A sigh makes it's way out of my body. As I slowly push myself onto my feet again.

Newt looks at me confused he looks back into the thicket he came out of. He looks back at me and smiles awkwardly "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." His face has a few cuts and his shirt is torn in a few places. "But there is something you might want to see." Before I can respond he reaches his hand out. Should I take it? What is it he needs to show me? Before I know it I take his hand. He walks in first shielding me from most of the thorns. But some were coming back and hitting me.

"Where are we going, Newt?" He stops and turns around with a soft smile on his face. "What?" I let out a short laugh.

"I like hearing my name come out of your mouth..." he pauses I let a small smile escape my lips. "It just seems... right."
He says rubbing his thumb on my hand. It must be something he does randomly. He turns and begins walking again.

When we reach the end of the thorny brush Newt stops and turns. The sun began to set and the orange sky shown on newts face. Newt was saying something but I was to focused on the light hitting his face. The longer I looked the more I saw about him. His cheeks had light and small freckles, speckled A crossed. The cuts on his face starting to dry. I raised my hand and touched a new cut on his cheek bone. Then again I am brought to his lips. They stopped moving and it cut me out of the daze I was having.

"Hey, you okay?" He said calmly But I could tell he was panicking. I quickly removed my hand and stared at the ground frustrated with myself and a bit flustered. I feel a hand on my chin he moved my face towards him. "Are you okay?" He asked again.

His hand slides through my hair. Is he going to kiss me? I'm not complaining but this is all too soon... his hand stopped at the back of my head. He lightly touched where I hit it the first time. I winced. "What are you doing?" He realizes how close he is and backs away.

"Sorry I had to make sure you weren't still bleeding." He smiles at me softly. "I said this earlier but I'm not sure you could hear me. I said we are here." He lifted up his arm up making an archway pushing thorny brush out of the way. I see a small pond with murky water and overgrown reeds lining the water. I see the water rippling.


Cold water sprayed my face. I shielded my face to prevent it from getting wet. I looked back at the water to see newt swim up to the top and brush his hair that was in his eyes back. He was shirtless probably pantless too. I looked away but a part of me wished I didn't. My face was probably crimson red.

I heard him laugh. God. That's was a beautiful sound. I could listening to that forever. "You know it wouldn't hurt to jump in." He playfully splashes water my direction.

"Newt!" I laugh and look at my wet clothes. "Your going to wish you didn't just do that." I jump in fully clothed splashing Newt.

We swam for what felt like seconds but turned out to be an hour. I dove and swam up to the surface and try and push Newt farther into the water. He doesn't budge he just pulls me in with one hand and the other pushes the wet hair out of my face. He smiles at me. Is he looking to make sure I'm not bleeding again? He pulls me closer we are almost breathing the same air when a loud noise interrupts the moment.

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