Fated nor Destined either which we have to believed in life nor in love. Fantasizing nor wondering how would it felt to be in the situation where fairy tales has made. Happiness that full of joy and contentment, everything we want through houses into palace, dress to gowns, food to bounty nor festive feast, Knights nor Even Prince charming we wanted are all in fairytales. It may be funny yet that's what we dream off.
It wasn't bad to dream the happiness and contentment we want for ourselves nor to everyone around us. It's a great nor wonderful feeling to have in life nor in love. Indeed happiness and contentment is all we need and want.
At times in life nor in love we try to think and explore and even wonder how would the future be. Sometimes We try to consult Psychics, Tarot readers, Feng shui nor Astrologers for us to know what's future we had. Thinking we atleast see nor foretold what we need nor want to expect on the future,yet it may be good nor bad for the people who believed and act with it. It may sound crazy sometimes to hear what would be our future, right? Yet we can still change it and choose other path as we grow. Cause we humans has own free will and so the energies in our surroundings and in entire universes changes as the vibration go high and low.
That's why we cannot tell what our life would be nor what future would it be. It maybe exciting and a wonderful feeling yet it still has a great cause and effect to those people who believe on it, it may changes their attitude nor perception but its their own choice to be made. Psychics, Tarot readers, Astrologers nor Feng Shui are just persons who can read nor give us a lil outlook on our future for us to strive even more in life nor in love, it only give us a positive outlook on our future to reach our goals, an excitement nor trill to look forward too.No one could ever foretell our future nor our life would it be, only the Devine or our Creator, our God could only tell our future and what our life would hold. Just have faith and believe what better and best plan he has for us.
What we need to do is stay present and enjoy what life could bring to us, stay positive and optimistic it times of troubles nor problems, cause everything happens for a reason. Whether how terrible nor traumatic it would be still be positive and strong to fight and believed the power of God's plan for us. It may seems questionable and unfair yet in the end soon we'll realize what's the true meaning of it. Just believe in God and have faith.
Life of Love
ChickLitSelf and deep journal which is inspired by a movie. The character from the story always writes onto his journal on how he fall inlove with a fantastic woman. This is simply a book I'm creating, that tend to inspires people just how, i got inspired...