Chapter 22

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"Ugh," Katara sigh as she stretches out her back, "what I would give for a real bed."

"I can't decide if I want a hot meal or a hot bath more," Zuko agrees as he leans over the side of the ship and washes his face with sea water.

The couple have been on the move now for three weeks, they've sunk more ships than they can count, they've destroyed factories and redistributed supplies to villages in greater need.
But now the pair are tired and sore, the weeks they've spent fighting the good fight has taken its toll on them, leaving them with aching backs and empty bellies.

Katara sighs as Zuko looks up to the horizon the sun is slowly creeping over.

"I have an idea," he says moving over to the line that controls the sail.

Katara looks to her husband sceptically but steps back as he takes control and steers them in the direction he wants to go.

"Are you crazy?!" Katara gapes once she recognises where they're going.

"He's never left the capital since becoming fire lord," Zuko says as he approaches an island situated close to the main land, "this place has been empty for close to ten years now. Trust me, we'll be fine."

Zuko steers the sail boat to the northern side of Ember Island, where the population is less dense and a lone summer house sits secluded and secure from the rest of the island.

The fire lords summer house has been in the royal family for generations, it has been used as an exclusive retreat hut for past fire lords where they can take their families away from court for a moment of reprieve. 

Katara's eyes scan every inch of the beach as they slip silently to the shore, her heart races in fear and she readies for an attack that never comes.

"Come to think of it," Zuko muses he and Katara pull the canoe up onto the sand and anchor it down so the tide won't carry it back out, "I don't think my father has ever been here, at least not with me. My uncle used to bring me and my cousin here when we were kids to let us have a moment of normalcy."

Zuko falls silent for a moment as he wonders where his uncle may be at this moment and if he was doing ok.

Zuko and Katara walk up the back path to the house. Zuko leads Katara through the long halls to the master bedroom.

Katara almost melts to the floor at the sight of the massive bed that sits in the middle of the room, unmade and calling Katara's name.

"I'm make the bed," Zuko says going to the wardrobe to the left, "there's a bathroom three doors down."

Katara dumps her bag just inside the door and then follows the hall to the bathroom. Katara can hear the water calling her name, begging her to turn the tap and let warm water flow over her body.

Steam fogs up the room as Katara strips makes and then steps under the cascading waterfall of hot water. She lets out a sigh of relief as the tension in her shoulders disappear and wash down the drain.

Katara washes her body with sweet smelling soap in the shape of a shell and tips her head back to let the water soak into her hair.  She hears the door open and opens her eyes to find her husband watching her from the other side of the steamed up glass.

"Well?" She purrs, peaking out from behind the door, "are you going to stand there all day or what?"

Zuko is quick to undress, he sheds his clothes and takes Katara's hand. Katara pulls Zuko under the warm water and the moan that escapes his throat is down right erotic.

Katara pulls her husband close, she runs her soapy hand over his body, washing away the dirt and grime that has built up over the past several days. Katara steps behind Zuko, rubbing soap over his broad, perfect back as she listens to him moan in delight.

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