Chapter 1

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Fire Lord Ozai sits with his trusted council, listening to them as they inform him of the other countries that they are currently at war with.
"A letter from the southern water tribe," one councilman says as he inspects the letter, reading its contents again.
"Well what does it say?" The fire lord snarls from behind his wall of fire that roars angrily.
"The chief of the southern water tribe has a proposition for you, My Lord," the councilman says, "he wishes for peace, for an alliance to be struck between the Fire Nation and his tribe. In return he is offering a marriage between one of his children and yours."
Fire Lord Ozai chuckles and the sound is echoed through the room as the fire council laugh at the preposterous idea.
"My Lord," the councilman holding the letter interrupts, "the chief states that in return for the alliance, he and his tribe will assist in the raid on the northern water tribe."
All laughter dies as Fire Lord Ozai pauses and rubs his beard in thought.
For years now Ozai has been trying to bring the norther water tribe to heel, but their water benders are strong and formidable, the fire nation has yet to breech through their defences.
"Are there water benders within the southern water tribe?" Ozai asks.
"No, my lord," a councilman says, "there has not been a single sighting of a water bender from the south since long before your birth."
"Hmm," the fire lord sits in silence, rubbing his beard and contemplating the pros and cons of the marriage.
"My lord," General Zhao speaks up, "I am quite capable of taking the northern water tribe by myself."
"You have had five years to capture the north and yet your attempts have yielded no results," Ozai hisses, irritated at his general's comment, "what do you think, General Iroh?"
Fire Lord Ozai turns to his older brother, who sits at the head of the council.
"The south has a very strong militia," Iroh comments as he looks at the map engraved in the table, "they have large numbers and strong warriors, they are also water tribe which may lower the north's defences long enough for them to sneak in and overthrow the northern chief."
"Hmm," Ozai hums to himself and then looks to where is two children sit, perfect and disciplined.
"I suppose we could always dispose of the water tribe scum once the north is taken," Ozai comments, "very well, send for the southern chief and his children, we will entertain their proposal for now."
Ozai dismisses his council and then leaves the room, his mind turning over and over as he plots the water tribes demise.
"Father, you cannot be seriously thinking about accepting the peasants proposal," Ozai's daughter says, falling into step with her father.
"With Sozin's comet so close we need the water benders to fall into line," Ozai says, speaking candidly with his daughter, "if they are at our side when the comet strikes, they will not be able to defend themselves. Azula the water benders are the only ones who could ever stop us, never underestimate their power."
"Yes father," Azula says with a nod of her head, "I just hope that the poor girl who has to marry Zuzu is contempt with his hideous face."
"You May yet be the one to wed," Ozai says, not even looking to his daughter as she stops and her jaw goes slack.
"Surely you're kidding," Azula gapes, catching back up with her father.
"I am not," Ozai scowls, "you are second born, marrying you off will hold no consequences to the throne. Your brother is next in line and his bride could possibly be the next fire lady, your husband would be much easier to dispose of."
"Hold your tongue, daughter, remember your place," Ozai growls, fire snaps on his knuckles and this time when Azula falls behind, she does not rush to catch up.
Instead, Azula storms into her brothers chambers, interrupting her brother as he sits on the couch, straddled by her best friend.
"Leave us," Azula snaps to the mistress of blades.
The lady sighs and rolls her eyes at Azula before slinking out of the room.
"Pretty disrespectful of you to have a mistress before you're married," Azula says finding pleasure in taunting her brother.
"If I am to marry some water tribe girl she will learn her place quickly," Zuko sighs, running a hand through his hair, "and she will likely be dead before it matters anyway."
"So you're fine with marrying some peasant?" Azula snivels.
"I'm not worried," Zuko says with a shrug, "you're more likely to be wed than I am. I am the crowned prince, you're just my sister."
Azula bites out a harsh curse and Zuko just laughs at her, the left side of his face pinching as he smiles.
"Face it," Zuko chuckles, "since my victorious return from the Earth kingdom, you are no longer father's favoured child."
Azula curses again and then storms out of the room, leaving the air charged and staticky.
Zuko slumps back in his chair, his sister still gets under his skin, but he has learnt to dig under hers and hide his discomfort.
Zuko is bored with being back in his father's graces, since his return he has been pampered and waited on hand and foot. He used to have adventure and excitement, he used to never know what his day would bring. But after he and his uncle successfully overthrew the earth king, and they were both pardoned and welcomed back with songs being sung about their epic battle.
Since their return, Zuko's days have been muddled into one repeating day. He wakes up, has breakfast, sits with his father in a war council or some other meeting, he is then given a brief break period where he has lunch, then he has his studies and his fire bending lessons, then he has dinner and then goes to bed, where Mai sneaks into his room and they fuck.
Zuko has taken to bedding Mai in attempts to put some excitement back into his life, and it worked for a while, but Mai is repetitious and dull; the way she kisses him is always the same. When they are together, she hardly talks to him, she just pushes herself into his lap or into his bed; and even then she is repetitive and silent.
So Zuko is intrigued about this possible marriage, he is interested in meeting people from a different nation. Zuko is excited that the meeting will happen during a party, the first one since his return, where there will be wine, expensive foods and music.
And so, two weeks later, Zuko is practically buzzing when the palace doors open and in steps the water tribe guests.
Unbeknownst to the entire fire nation, the Fire Lord has just welcomed in a family of the most deadliest assassins the world has ever seen.

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