1 ✎ The Girl With The Books

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« And one day the girl with the books became the woman writing them

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« And one day the girl with the books became the woman writing them. »

"...And everyone lived happily ever after." you softly said, closing the book in a soft thud, "so how did you like this one?" you asked while tucking your twin younger siblings to bed. It was a routine for you to read them books to sleep ever since they were old enough to understand, and you never stopped ever since.

"I love it! I want to dream of it tonight." Lei beamed, her eyes sparkling, you weren't sure if it was because of the ladybug nightlight or her excitement. You let out chuckle and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, and went to do the same with Eli, your little brother.

"I would have liked it better if there were dragons inside." he sulked, clearly a fake pout as you saw his features soften when you lips touched his hair.

"You silly, there can't be dragons in every book." Lei beat you before you could give him an answer.

"Well there should be, dragons are super duper cool."

"I agree, dragons are super cool." You inwardly laughed, 6 years old boys...all the same afterall. "So how about we read a book about dragons tomorrow, would you like that?"

Eli's expression turned from a pout to wide smile in a matter of seconds, showing off his missing lower teeth, and rapidly nodding his head. "Yes, yes please."

"Then it's settled, a dragon book for tomorrow." You clapped your hands together, "but you two need to sleep now, it's already past your bedtime."

"Yeees." they said in unison,"Good nighty."

"Good nightyy, I love you." you wished them sweet dreams and blew them one last kiss before leaving and closing the door.

You pulled out your phone to check the time, 21:37. A sigh left your mouth, your parents were working late again tonight. Being the eldest daughter kind of felt like being a third parent, it was tiring sometimes, most of the times even, but you loved your little siblings so much you would protect them with everything you had.

After making sure that the twins were sound asleep one last time, you streched and made your way to room to study a bit and prepare for your midterms.

You decided not to move away for college as you lived close to it, and your parents were pretty chill about it. Plus the twins couldn't sleep without you reading them a story, and there was no way you could let them down.

You pulled out your journal to check your schedule for tomorrow's classes, Wednesday, your favorite day of the week, it was just perfect, not too loaded, class started later in the morning letting you indulge in some more sleep and to top everything off, Wonwoo live-streamed writing sprints that day.

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