2 ✎ Today Is Wednesday

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There are days where everything just seem to go your way.

Today wasn't one of them.

Today was Wednesday, the day you were eagerly waiting for the whole week. Wonwoo was going to give you his feedback on your book, but you should've known the moment you woke up (from the wrong side of the bed) that today wasn't going to go your way. At all.

You were supposed to meet up early with your project partner, JJ, to finish up everything and present it to your professor. Everything's all cool until here you would say, but no. The alarm you set the night before didn't ring, making you rush to your meet up location, trying to minimize the damage.

You were almost 45 minutes late, and the presentation was due in less than an hour now, you had to combine your parts quickly.

You finally arrived at the park next to the campus and scrutinized it. A couple of elderly people were sitting on the bench feeding the birds, and kids were playing football together, but no sign of JJ. You were kinda skeptical he didn't call you to scold you about your delay, but you shrugged it off. He was probably in one of the coffee shops around here making final touches on his part, you thought.

You pulled out your phone to text him that you were sorry for being late and that you had arrived, bad idea. The moment you pressed send, the ball the kids were playing with flew into your direction, hitting your phone and slamming it onto the ground.

"Hey! Come back here!" You yelled at the kids running away with their ball, but they were too fast. Damn... am I getting old?

You sighed as you crouched down to pick up your phone, silently chanting prayers that it wouldn't be too broken. Prayers that seemingly failed, as the screen was shattered.

You winced at the state of your phone, feeling a piece of your heart shatter as well. You were glad it was still working though, so you only had to get the screen fixed.

Your fingers cautiously tapped on the device, checking for any new text messages from JJ, nothing, he didn't even see your text and it had already been 10 minutes.

You took a deep breath and dialed his number, you didn't like making phone calls, but it might be the only way he would respond. No answer , you tried few more time and nothing either, you felt your heart squeeze in your chest, was he letting you down on such a short notice?

You tried again one last time and after the third ring, he finally seemed to pick up.

"Hey JJ, where are you? I've been waiting at the park but I don't see you there."

"I'm afraid 'JJ' can't come right now." A deep voice answered, that's not JJ you thought to yourself. You double checked the ID to see if you had it right and you did.

"But we have a project to present together in less than an hour?"

"Well it's going to be a bit hard to do that as JJ is in jail at the moment." The man on the other side, who you assumed was a policeman said.

Your mouth formed an O and no sound seemed to come out, your brain was in shambles. In jail??!! What do you mean in jail ? What about our project? What am I going to do now?

You were pulled of your train of thoughts by something wet falling on your head, you slowly reached out and confirmed your fear. Bird shit, the cherry on top.

"Oh fuck me now!" You exclaimed, forgetting you were on the phone.

"That's a reasonable reaction I guess, you'll have to finish your project alone Miss. Have a nice day." and with that he hung up. Leaving you dumbfounded at the park with your half-finished project and hair full of bird poo.

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