10 ✎ Only Idiots Catch Colds.

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"Rock, paper, scissors!" you and Wonwoo simultaneously chanted for the fifth time in a row now.

"Again." he requested as your paper won over his rock. Again.

"It's the sixth time now Wonwoo, just accept your defeat," you whined, your hand slumping next your hip, "I can't believe you're even making me play this stupid game for the clothes... yours are only wet, mine are one stitch away from disappearing." You looked down at the dirty rag that was once called 'a dress', there wasn't a single spot that wasn't covered in either mud, grass stains, or blood or of course ripped and used as a bandage or left hanging on top of some iron stick.

"Well mine are literally freezing on me," he crossed his arms over his exposed and sticky chest, "I can't handle the cold very well."

"You'll get over it." You devilishly smiled, taking the neatly folded dry clothes in your hand and shoving him outside so you could dress up in peace.

He rolled his eye and let himself get pushed out by you, a bit too upset about his defeat.

After clicking the door shut, you took off your dress and passed a wet rag over your body, cleaning any residue of dirt or blood before putting on the clothes you randomly found in one of the cabinets, they were definitely made for a male body type but who cares, clothes don't have gender, you shrugged.

You pulled the linen shirt over your head, it was almost the same one Wonwoo was wearing, on the exception that yours was actually dry, it draped on your shoulders and flared at the wrists, the black pants luckily were your size. You made a little twirl as you stared at your reflection on the mirror, the clothes were baggy and much more comfier than the dress you wore.

You opened the front door to see Wonwoo crouching and rubbing two sticks in his hands, trying to light up a fire and occasionally cursing and muttering about how easy it looked in cartoons.

You approached him and asked, "Are you sure we're allowed to take these?" referring to the clothes, you weren't really in the mood to have a witch curse because you took their belongings.

"Technically, you wrote the book, so you own everything here." he shrugged and let out a sigh, throwing the stupid sticks on the ground after failing to make a fire to warm his trembling body.

"It really had to be a story where I'm a prince targeted by a bunch of assassins?" he mumbled under his nose, but it was loud enough for you to hear.

"Maybe if you actually took the time to read it, you would've known."

"I really can't— whatever forget it." he hand ruffled the wet hair that was sticking to his forehead as a poor attempt to make it dry faster, sneezing a couple of times in the process. Then without any warning, proceeded to take off his shirt, leaving him half-naked.

"Ya-yah what do you think you're doing?" You yelled, feeling suddenly flustered by his act.

"You can enjoy the view, I don't mind." He nonchalantly said, wringing out his shirt from the water then hanging it to dry on one of the nearby branches.

You scoffed and rolled your eyes, who does he think he is? "As if there's anything to enjoy." There was. A lot. You tried so hard to avert your eyes and stare at the next most interesting thing you could find, which happened to be your feet, but your eyes shot up on his when he started approaching you dangerously.

You walked backwards until your back hit a tree and Wonwoo's face was merely inches away from yours.

"Oh really?" He cockily asked.

"Really." You blurted out in a high-pitched voice much to your dismay. He smirked at your answer and slowly lowered his face at your level.

Wonwoo's vision was still swarmed with floating little black dots that didn't seem to go away no matter how hard he blinked, and before he knew it, his head came to rest on your shoulder. Your breath hitched in your throat at the sudden proximity, and your brain stopped working. Were you to blame though? You literally had a half-naked ( and very well built) Wonwoo resting his head on your shoulder. Wait what?! You blinked a couple of times at the realization.

In Your Book ✎ Wonwoo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now