6 ✎ Do You Think It's The Moment To Be Quoting Vines?

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Sunlight peered through the half closed curtains of the inn, like a reward after yesterday's storm

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Sunlight peered through the half closed curtains of the inn, like a reward after yesterday's storm.

Wonwoo was the first one to wake up, confusion washing all over him when he saw the unfamilliar locks pooling at his chest. It couldn't have been Mingyu, as he was more used to his leg hitting him on the face and waking him up whenever the sqaud hung out together rather than the soft arm sprawled across his body, treating it like a human pillow. He shifted a little trying not to wake you up, getting tickled by your hair in the process.

The young man almost broke his neck trying to catch a glimpse of your face. He did and it was only after few seconds that memories of yesterday flooded his mind. "Apologize right now!" "We're inside a book.." " of course there's only one bed!"  "if you come to my side, I'll stab you."

'Don't come to my side' my ass, follow your own rules at least. Wonwoo sighed when your warm breath caressed his face. He knew that you two would end up getting all tangled like this, he knew that much about the One bed trope, sure he wasn't the biggest fan, but he was glad he wasn't being woken up by one of his friend's foot inside his mouth for once.

So this really isn't a dream... Wonwoo softly removed your leg from his as to not wake you up, despite his usual barbaric ways of dealing with you. He needed some time alone to think, and waking you up would've been a bad idea.

You slightly groaned at the sudden lack of warmth, but resumed sleeping like a log far too tired to care. After making sure you were still sleeping, the dark haired male tiptoed to the window and stared out to clarify his thoughts.

Outside, people of all ages were walking through the marketplace, the sound of the merchants trying to coax the women into buying some of their fresh vegetables, and occasionally yelling at the kids running through the cobblestoned street echoed all the way to the second floor of the inn. Wonwoo didn't really have the time to look at the village the previous night, as it was dark and raining. But now that the sun was up, everything looked like a scene straight out of a medieval movie. He was already at awe by that enchanted forest, even if he did his best to hide it.

You clearly had made a lot of efforts and research into the worldbuilding for the architecture to wind up as realistic as this, Wonwoo almost felt guilty for talking trash about your book during his video but those feelings dissipated the moment he remembered the reason why he was here in first place. Revenge.

The way you came out of nowhere and assaulted him at the grocery store kept replaying in his mind, not only you dragged him in this 'adventure' but you also robbed him from his only chance at treatment.

With this old rage resurfacing in his body again, he grabbed a pillow laying at the end of the bed and forcefully threw it in your face,"Yaa wake up. We need to eat and leave this place as soon as possible."

In Your Book ✎ Wonwoo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now