9 ✎ That Fanfiction You Wrote About Me?

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There was this unspoken rule in media, that whenever someone would deny that their opponent would survive something deathly, they were to be proven wrong the very next moment. And it was the case right now.

You and Wonwoo gasped for air as your head emerged from the water with your hair sticking to your foreheads clouding your vision, and your hands still tightly intertwined. The water was freezing, as you felt the cold seeping inside your bones, slowly making your teeth chatter.

You didn't have to swim too much as the currents propeled you closer towards the land, all you had to do was grab onto a vine and hissed yourself closer, Wonwoo wasn't really much help, as he barely kept his head out of the waters.

He let go of your hand the moment he touched land, and started coughing out the water he drank, mentally thanking the universe for getting him through this alive. He didn't really want to tell you that he couldn't swim and embarass himself even further.

He crawled a bit more and laid down  under a tree with his arm spread over his eyes, taking deep breaths between occasional coughs and filling his lungs with air again.

"Woah... I never thought I would be this happy to see this tree again..." Wonwoo gratefully whispered, touching the gummy bear tree with his fingers as if it was going to disappear if he closed his eyes.

You sat down next to him, drenching the soil with your soaking dress and layed down, "Now, wasn't that fun?" You sarcastically muttered.

"Yeah, yeah super fun." He answered nonchalantly, "let's never do it again."

"Never ever."

"Was that your plan all along?" He asked removing his arm from his eyes, and glancing at you without bothering to move his head.

You snorted, letting out a loud laugh, "Bold of you to assume I knew what I was doing."

He sat up straight at the revelation, his eyes widening slightly, "I was right not to trust you!"

"But you're alive!"

"I almost died."

"But you're still alive!"

"The surface tension of the water is like concrete from that height!" he started, "If you had done that in real life, we would've been smashed like crêpes!"

"I was hoping we wouldn't be chased to a cliff by assassins in real life," you sat up and faced him, "but good to know that we're subjected to the laws of physics of the fictional world." You said, lips forming into a thin line and eyebrows slighty raising.

"Oh god! I'm done with you..." he exclaimed falling on his back again. You rolled your eyes. Tchh... What a drama queen...

After a few moments of catching your breaths and watching the river flow in silence, you suggested that you two should start walking before the assassins got to you again. Wonwoo hummed in response and got up as you two started walking side by side in silence.

Back to square one, you found yourself in another part of the enchanted forest again. Granted, with more knowledge than you had the previous day but still. You mentally started making bulletpoints to organize your ideas. Okay so Wonwoo is the prince, you mentally gagged at the idea, I can't believe I made him a prince in my story what was wrong with you, ____ of the past! Anyways, it doesn't matter anymore.
You shook your head and started all over again, so he's the prince, and I'm his bodyguard, not really the best choice but I'm doing a pretty good job at keeping him alive, you smiled proudly, wait why are we targeted by assassins again? What did he do? There wasn't any sign of war or political coup d'etat going on as the village seemed pretty lively and no gossips were circulating around, oh well, guess I'll find out later, all I have to do now is take him back safely to the royal castle and-

In Your Book ✎ Wonwoo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now