Dead & Gone

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*Harvey pov*

After what felt like an eternity of walking, I came across a bed and breakfast. I asked to rent the room for the week and they agreed. I get up to the room, text mum and tell her I'm ok I'll call her tomorrow. I close and lock my room door, strip down to my boxers and went to my bed. I dreamed about fighting with Max, like physically fighting with him, I've never had a dream like that but in the dream I punched him to the ground and kneeled on his arms as I continued to smash his face in until he was completely unconscious and covered in his own blood. After watching his fingers twitch for the last time before he loses consciousness and I stand up, celebrating like I've just won the heavyweight title. I turn back looking at my brothers unconscious body and spit on him.

H: "Fuck you Max, you get what you give asshole"

I was awoken by my alarm going off, I turn it off and shower. I leave the bathroom with a towel around, realising that I have to wear the same clothes again today because I didn't bring anything with me. I put the clothes on and go to the breakfast area. I eat then leave to go buy a change of clothes. I see an advertisement for a small 1 bed, 1 bathroom house. I have plenty to buy it so I take a note of the phone number. As I'm taking note I decide to call mum.

H: "Hey mum"

S: "Harvey sweetheart, your ok!"

H: "I'm fine mum, I promise, I'm staying at a b&b, can you get the things from my wardrobe and pack it for me to swing by tomorrow and get it?"

S: "Harvey, please don't stay away for too long, I know you have your differences but please son, come back"

H: "I can't mum, mine and Max's relationship is dead and gone. Floating down the river face down with a knife in it's back, never to be seen again"

I hear her sniffling, she's crying, my heart sinks

H: "Mum I'm sorry but you heard what he said, I can't just let that go"

S: "Ok, if this is what you feel you have to do then I'll stand by you, I might not agree but I'll support your choice. I'll have your clothes packed for tomorrow afternoon"

H: "Thank you mum, I appreciate that and I love you, even though I'm not staying with you right now, I'm still here for you and the rest of the family, I'm just a call away. But If he calls me I'm denying it instantly"

S: "Thank you for calling and letting me know your ok Love, you've always been just a call away for us, you're my little Superman. I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow"

H: "I looking forward to seeing you guys too, Love you mum, take care"

I end the call and call about the house for sale...

*Max pov*

I couldn't sleep, I was still so angry that it agitated me and kept me awake until like 7am. I was then woke up to mum knocking on my door

S: "Max, honey, are you decent?"

M: "I'm still under the covers mum, come in"

She opens my room door with a laundry basket under her arm.

S: "I didn't want to walk in, just case you were just in your boxers or something, do you have any dirty laundry you need washed?"

M: "Umm... When I come back out the shower I'll have some stuff, I'll bring it down"

S: "Ok son, thanks"

She closed the door and I look at my phone, I see it's 09:30am. I sigh, standing up and taking my boxers off throwing them in the pile with the rest of the dirty clothes and went for a shower. After I was out, dried and had boxer and a robe on, I took my dirty clothes down.

S: "Just chuck them in the machine Max, I'll get it from there"

M: "Ok mum, thanks"

I put them in the machine and have breakfast before heading back upstairs. I knock Harvey's room door, With no answer I open it, no sign of Harvey, his blinds where still open from yesterday. He really didn't come home? Ha, he made it one night wow, he'll be back any minute. I close the door and go back to my room. A couple hours later I hear someone in Harvey's room. I look across the hall to see mum at Harvey's wardrobe.

M: "What are you doing mum?"

S: "Harvey called earlier, he asked me to pack his clothes and he'll be round tomorrow to pick them up"

M: "He'll be back later so why not just leave them"

S: "No, he said he's staying in a b&b so he asked for his clothes"

M: "Oh... Ok"

He'll be back tonight, he'll realise his mistake and come crawling back. I head back to the room and just chill for the rest of the day. I still stand by what I said, I haven't spoken to Dylan either, he can side with Harvey I'm not bothered. The day slowly came to a close. It was such a quiet, relaxing day without Harvey, so peaceful. Honestly it's been good without Harvey, a well needed break.

*Harvey pov*

I made the phone call about the house. The Agent said he had a few others that were interested, classic marketing tactic, so I called his bluff.

H:"I'll take it"

A:"Do you not want to come and view it?"

H: "Nope, I don't care what it looks like, I'll have the money at your convenience"

A:"Umm... Ok, come by the address on the ad tomorrow around 7pm and we'll talk"

H: "I'll be there, thanks"

I spent the rest of the day just doing things I wanted to. I ate a nice place I'd always wanted to go to but the family are picky eaters and done a few other things I haven't been able to do yet before heading back to the b&b at around 10pm.

as I was coming in the b&b the lovely old lady, Francis, that runs the place seen me.

F: "Not that it's my place to say but, you seem a lot happier today young man, keep that beautiful smile"

H: "Thanks, I am quite a bit happier today. Sorry if I came off a little rude last night, it just wasn't my night"

F: "Not at all dear, I'm just glad your happier"

She laughed I thanked her and headed to bed for tomorrow. I can't believe I'm buying my own house! And I'm looking forward to seeing mum too, I've missed her, and dad and Tills too! Leo's at boarding school so I won't see him but it is what it is I guess. I get under the covers and drift off with a smile on my face...

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