Everything Isn't Like A Fairytale

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*Harvey pov*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm which I quickly turn off and get up. Showered and dressed I'm on my way to get Tilly, I haven't seen her at all since I left, I really miss her. Before I know it I'm standing at the front ate to mum and dad house. I text mum to tell her to send Tilly out, I don't want to risk knocking and him answering the door. The door opens snapping me out of my thoughts and Tilly comes running towards me

T: "Harvey!"

She shouts excitedly and hugs around my legs

H: "aw Tills Ive missed you! "

I say, embracing her in a hug too

H: "Ready for the fair?"

T: "Always!"

She takes my hand and we go. I have to admit, from the moment I picked Tilly up, all my problems disappeared. I wasn't thinking about anything except spending time with my little sister and the day flew in! I had a genuine smile on my face the whole time then we went to get some food.

H: "How have you been?"

T: "Ok I guess... Its not the same without you at home"

H: "I know but you'll get used to it, nothings changed, we all still love you"

T:"Yeah but... It's not the same. Mum and dad keep putting dinner out for you and I can see the sadness in their faces when they realize your not there. On top of that Max doesn't leave his room and even if he does he's been crying or he's in your room or wearing one of your hoodies"

She says looking at the ground.

T: "That's why I wanted to come here with you... Mum and dad try to be happy but it's not the same"

H: "Ok, I promise I'll talk to mum when we get back"

T: "And Max?"

H: "I can't do that Tills"

T: "Why not? It can't be that hard"

H: "What happened between Max and I isn't easy to fix, it'll take time"

T: "But your not even trying to fix it"

H: "Because we're hurting Tills, I can't promise Max and I will ever talk again but I do promise that we all still love you, nothing will change that"

T: "Do you love Max like you love me?"

H: "Right now? No"

T: "Will you?"

H: "I don't know, I don't know if I can... Everything isn't a fairytale Tills. Have you finished your food?"

T: "Yeah, is it time to go home?"

H: "Yeah, it's almost your bedtime"

We head home, I had Tilly on my shoulders and we where messing around, again all my problems had disappeared I walked into mum and dad house and into the living room. Mum was sitting watching TV

T: "Hi mum! Look! I'm on Harvey's shoulders"

Tilly says with a massive smile on her face

S: "Does that mean I can't get a massive Tilly hug?"

Mum smiles

T: "Definitely not, can you bring me down Harv?"

H: "Sure"

I put Tilly down and she goes and hugs mum

S: "Did you have fun?"

T: "Yeah! I had cotton candy, we went on all the rides, Harvey won me a teddy bear which I'm calling Harvey so that he'll always be next to me then Harvey and me had something to eat before we left to come home"

S: "Sounds like a fun day, why don't you go get your pajamas on and get ready for bed, you have school tomorrow"

T:"Can Harvey tuck me in?"

Tilly asked. Mum looked at me and i looked at her.

H: "If you get your pajamas on and say good night to Max then yes, I'll come and tuck you in"

T: "Thanks Harvey! Love you!"

H: "Love you too Tills"

I smile. When Tilly was upstairs mum asked

S: "Was she well behaved?"

H: "Yeah, it was great"

S: "Did she talk about much?"

H: "Yeah she was telling me about the things she been doing while I was gone"

Mum opened her mouth to speak but Tilly shouted down first

T: "I'm ready now!"

H: "I'll go get her down then I'll talk to you when she's asleep"

I say. I make my way upstairs, everything that's happened in this house playing over and over in my head. I tuck Tilly in and sing to her gently until she falls asleep. When I come back down I see mum is still on the couch.

H: "She's asleep now"

S: "That was fast, she hasn't slept that quick since... Since you left"

H: "I know it was really sudden I left and I'm sorry for that but you know what happened"

S: "Yeah, I see your at least saying his name again"

H: "Only to Tilly, oh that reminds me. Tilly mentioned that you've still be making dinners and having a space for me. The fact I'm not here isn't that important that you should be sad over me. I'm not that important in your life that you can't live without me"

S: "It's easy for to think that but Harvey, your my child, your always gonna be important to me"

H: "I'm not, your fine without me, you have Dad, Tills and him if he ever comes out his room again"

S: "Tilly told you that too?"

I just nod

H: "But from now I want you to be happy, I haven't walked out of your life and I still love you more than words can say"

Mum stands up and hugs me

S: "I know you do son"

H: "I've missed this"

I say holding mum close to me

S: "There's always a place here for you son, no matter what happens"

She says letting go of me

H: "Thanks mum, I'll stay in touch. I love you"

S: "I love you too son"

She says as I leave. I get back home and everything that Tilly told me kept going through my head... Had Max really not left his room? Was mum and dad that sad about me leaving? Did... Am I wrong for leaving?

*Max pov*

Another day of nothing for me, I just sit in my bed thinking of the damage I've singlehandedly caused, mum and dad are sad, Harvey wants nothing to do with me, my friends text me but I just don't answer, Dylan even reached out after what I said to him too. I just don't want a relationship with anyone, friends, family, it doesn't matter... Nothing does if Harveys done with me and mum and dad are sad. When Tilly came to say goodnight to me she was telling me all the fun she had at the fair with Harvey. I was happy for her but Harveys a sensitive subject for me just now but no one knows that, well I haven't told anyone but mum definitely knows. When she mentioned Harvey was going to tuck her in I thought maybe this was my chance to see him again, to talk to him and maybe even start to mend this broken brotherhood. I heard Harvey go into Tilly's room and make my way down one flight of stairs to the level Tilly's room was on. I get to the bottom stair and sit down. Hearing Harvey sing to Tilly hit me, I missed singing with him I miss even hearing his voice, after that I couldn't bring myself to see him. I know he still hates me and I don't think I can handle any more hurt...

H:"Goodnight sweet princess"

I hear Harvey whisper to Tilly. As he makes his way towards the door I go back up to my bedroom. He seemed happy without me though... Maybe I should just stay out of his life.

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