Reality Sets In

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*Max pov*

My alarm goes off at 10am, I roll over and slap my phone so it turns the alarm off. Another quiet night but I can't wait to hear Harvey's apology when I go down and see him. I get showered and put my robe on then went to head downstairs, ready to hear Harvey's apology. When i get down there it's just mum and dad.

M: "Still no Harvey?"

S: "Nope, he's coming by later to get his clothes"

Mum smiled.

M: "Have you heard from him today?"

S: "Yeah, he called me earlier to say he'd have to get his clothes a little later than he thought, he asked if he could come collect then at 8 tonight, I told him that would be fine"

M: "He'll tell you he wants to come back, he can't take care of himself for this long"

S: "It's those kind of remarks that drove him away Max, when will you learn"

M: "It wasn't that bad mum, you make it out like I completely ruined the family"

I tell her and go upstairs. A good few hours pass and I'm just keeping up teaching myself keyboard. As I'm playing keyboard I get a great idea for a tiktok, I happily bounce up to go tell Harvey my idea.

M: "Harvey! Gue-"

I open his room door and see it's still Harveyless.

M: "Shit"

I whisper to myself as I remember he's not here.

M: "I'll tell him tonight when he comes back to stay"

I hear the the front door being knocked and as I got to the top of the stairs mum had answered it.

S: "Harvey, why did you knock? You live here sweetheart"

H: "I wasn't just gonna walk in, he could've been sitting with everyone"

I hear Harvey say, putting emphasis on the 'He'. Was what I said really that bad that Harvey doesn't even want to acknowledge my existence?.

S: "Anyway, I'm glad you came by. I missed your handsome face"

Mum says, I hear her give Harvey a kiss on the cheek.

H: "I've missed seeing everyone too"

S: "Everyone?"

H: "You, dad and Tilly. I know Leo's still at boarding school but I'll see him when he gets back"

S: "That's not everyone"

H: "It's everyone that I've missed, Thanks for everything mum. Really, packing my clothes, calling me, checking in. I can't say thanks enough.

S: "That's not every single one of your clothes, there's still a few hoodies in your cupboard I couldn't fit in"

H: "I don't mind. Thanks for... Well, again, everything.

I hear Harvey Laugh a little.

H: "Oh Just so you know, I've bought a small house to stay in"

He's bought a house? Why?!

H: "Really Harv? Come on please, don't move out"

H: "I have to mum. You heard what he said to me, I can't just let that go, i said it then and I'll say it now. I'm done with him.  I'll keep in touch mum, I promise you won't lose me"

S: "Can you at least come in and talk about it?"

H: "I can't, i know he's in and I'm not risking bumping into him. I love you mum, see you later"

My whole world shattered, was Harvey really moving out because of the things I said to him?. Was it really that bad?. In my state of disbelief I go back into my room and close the door.
My eyes watered, to think about Harvey being gone for good until I hear a knock at my door

M: "Yeah?"

I sniffle and dry my eyes. Mum opens the door, she looks sad.

S: "Why are you crying Max?, what's wrong?

M: "I- I heard what Harvey said when you where at the door with him"

S: "I can't say I'm happy about him moving out either. It's been weird without him here, without him being weirdly full of energy in the mornings"

Mum laughed. Come to think of it, since we left school, Harvey was full of fun and energy every morning. I think back to the mornings with him and Tilly laughing away as he cooked breakfast, the way he would always give me his breakfast if I had came downstairs while him and Tilly were cooking and go and make another one for himself. My eyes started to water up again.

S: "Oh sweetheart, don't cry, you'll have me crying"

M: "It's all my fault"

S: "No, don't blame yourself, this is just something Harvey feels like he needs to do and, whether he's right or wrong, it's something he'll learn and we'll learn too"

M: "He won't even say my name mum, he just acts like I don't exist"

S: "Well, I mean do you blame him? Do you remember what you said to him?"

M: "Of course I do, it's been running through my head since I heard him say about moving out"

S: "Well, your the only person that can make this right"

She gave a hug and rubbed my back softly as I sobbed a little into her shoulder.

S: "Remember, no matter what happens between you and Harv, we love you Max"

M: "I love you too mum, I'm gonna reach out to Harv and see if he'll at least talk to me"

S: "That's all I ask Love, nothing more"

She left, closing the door from behind her, as I call Harvey. It rings 3 times then gets cut off. I keep trying but he hangs up every time. I feel my warm tears run down my face. I destroyed a relationship that made my job so much easier, but more importantly... I ruined a brotherhood. I don't want to lose any family. How could I have been so fucking stupid! He's been there for me during everything, we've been there for one another and I complete ruined that!. Harvey's right... I am just a cunt. What's worse is... Is... I miss him, I'm not as happy without Harvey's energy to bounce off of. Things change here, after Harv i can't do this again, I can't be the cause of another family member walking away from me, even if I have to avoid everyone so I don't hurt them, then so be it.

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