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Alec laid with his head on his crossed arms to prevent them from shaking.
The tears kept flowing out of his eyes. Sil petted him  and scratched his fingers thru his auburn curls. About three weeks ago he had shaved up the sides of his hair and now only had a blob of curls on top. It looked cool, at least that was what Ezra said.

It hurt...It was like he was run over by a truck, then pierced by knives and then tossed of a very tall building like twice or so.

It still hurted. It was weird. The pain felt physical but he knew it was mental.
Al those horrible memories that kept on flowing thru his mind over and over. Like a horrible movie you couldn't pauze.
Thousands of missing pieces flowing back into place.
That time he was pushed down a stairs and broke his wrist. It had taken a long 12 days to heal. Or his grandmothers flower garden in spring. And the smell of sunflowers in the morning. Or the time he was chased from school to home by bullies who where gonna beat him to pulp.

"Your okay." Sil kept talking to him and petting him. He didn't know if he had fallen down, he knew he had screamed, but he hardly remembered what. But by the looks of the people around him it wasn't any good things.

He even had begged Sil once to kill him. But Sil had just petted his hair and hugged him close. And reminded him of everyone that loved him. And every good thing that had happened the past two years. And of the good things his former life had. Like his mother. Or the memories of his grandfather teaching him to ride a bike. The delicious smell of peach cobbler when his mother and him visited his grandparents at their pack in the summers.

Slowly Alec recovered.
His wolf was silent. Letting him recover on his own.
But was still like a rock in the background holding him up.
He sighed deeply. Slowly getting up.

"That hurted a lot more than I thought." He whispered. His voice was raw from the screaming.
The man with the green eyes looked at him like his pain affected him also...

that man... his mate.. Jacob Allister. Alfa on the Ash creek pack.

He looked a little taller than last time. Older of course. But he also looked a lot less arrogant. He had bags under his eyes and Alec wasn't as afraid of him as he used to be.
He had bullied him for so long as he could remember. Him and his stupid little friends.
And now he had to go back to that place. He almost regretted making this deal.
But Sil had made them swear a blood oath. They couldn't hurt him. Besides he could fight back now. He was stronger. He had friends. People he loved. He wasn't alone in this world. He had a home to return to.

He was happy now.

He sighed. Sil had given him his spot at the table and kneeled beside him. He slowly rose up and gripped his shoulder with a soft smile.
"I can already tell you now, that after this two week thing I will return home!" He told Jacob. He almost wanted to give him the finger. Just because when he was younger he never had the guts to do that.
He couldn't believe he used to be scared of that prick.

That he let them make him unhappy. That he let hem have so much power over his life that they drove him to the edge, he should have left much sooner.

Should have never given him that kind of power!

"Will you tell Fraya I will come and see her as soon as I am back."
"I will."
"Oh and tell James en Kit not to fight while I am away. I will know if they did."
Sil smiled.
"Oh and Kit doesn't like to sleep alone, so tell James to for once not be a..."
"They will be alright. They will miss you of course, but they will manage." Sil interrupted him and patted his arm.
Alec nodded. He missed them already.

"I didn't even say bye."
He regretted not waking them up or nuzzling them before leaving.
"Perhaps they can come visit?" Sil gave the... mate a very dirty look, which almost made him laugh.

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