21 😭

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//I am a little sorry! But I just hate stories were the main sacrifices himself so yea.. umh... sorry! //

Allison didn't know she was gonna die, this Saturday morning, when she had woken up. It had never even crossed her mind.

Allison had always been quit fortunate. She was born in a happy family of two high ranking wolfs. She was an only child. Given much love and attention from her family.
They had more than enough money to spent. And she had her fathers bright mind and het mother's stunning looks. She also was raised to be kind, respectful and caring.

She would never intentionally hurt anyone..

When she was eighteen she met her mate. His name was Finnick Gregory Brook, delta of the ash creek pack. Handsom, popular and strong. With her father being head warrior and her mother being the second born of an Alfa line. Her wolf was strong and so was their match. Him being of an old delta bloodline that went way way back. 

She had never really been friends with Finn and his friends.
But they had never treated her wrongly....

Now she figured that was probably because she was born lucky.

She was pretty and lucky so she became popular. So she was safe from the torment they unleashed unto others they deemed unworthy. And she had been foolish to believe that her mate was a good man. For he was not.

So perhaps she had never been lucky.
She had just been a fool.
And now she would die.

She should have never become his mate. She should have never trusted any of them to be good enough to lead their people. To be born with a gift so many others hadn't. Power made some people go evil. She should have known.

Because they would be the end of them. But Allison did not believe evil would be the end. Because maybe it would win. Maybe a lot would suffer and die. But in the end... the bad would always gets what was coming for them.

Karma was a nice word to call it, she supposed.

Allison was a fool.
So she didn't know what was happening until it was to late.

And Finn had made sure there was nothing she could do about it.
Because who would listen to the little mate of the delta. A pretty stupid little thing..

Because she was a cheerleader and that made people forget about the debate club she loved way more. And because she was a popular, blond pretty girl so they forgot she was kind and smart and clever.

They never looked at her like they really saw it. They never really did see her.
But they would now..

And it would be the last thing they would ever see of her.

Alec was a good person. She knew that from the moment she met him. There was something in the way he spoke. Something in the way he was. Something that made her realize that even though she pretended she was a good person... she could have done more.

Because he sure did.

She could have tried to stop Jacob and his friends from hurting so many they deemed unworthy. But she had been blind. Had blinded herself so she didn't see it.

And alec had been free....

Now Finn and an army of wolfs came back from a battle they had won. The brought the smell blood.

It was already to late. The battle was won and the innocent people were already gone. They had slaughtered the place Alec saw as a sanctuary.

Sam was missing, the voice of reason.

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