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Alec let Jacob hug him while he tried to listen to Jacobs distant words.
Something had happened.
The pack mindlink was gone.

It was gone.

Like it was never even there.
All of it... was just gone.

The always secure feeling on the back of his mind.
The soft and reassuring feelings of his pack members. His friends. His family...
It was gone.

'Sera?' Alec asked... begged.
Sera was a nymph. He had told Jacob about the old oak she came from. They couldn't just leave? If something had happened. Someone attacked them... what would they do....

'She has not tried to contact them by a bird or anything...'
Sam shook his head... like that was gonna make it all go away. Sam sat on a couch across from him and Jacob. His head in his hands. He looked like he was run over by a truck or a train. Alec wondered if he looked any better right now.
'We need to go there!' Alec Tried to get up but Jacob yanked him back on his lap. Why was he even sitting there?
He pushed himself on the chair next to him. Ignoring the look he got.

'You could get killed.' Alec didn't care about that. He already felt like he was dying. Besides... who was gonna kill him. It was gone... not destroyed... right? They were not dead...Sil wouldn't let them!

'Why didn't you tell me!' He hissed. He could have told him hours ago. They knew hours ago!
'There was nothing you could have done.'
Sam shook his head with a growl. Like he didn't agree.
'James and Kit went to see if there was anything... ' His voice died down but Alec understood just fine. But why couldn't he hear them over the link!? He didn't even wanne think about that.
Sil was powerful.... he could beat anyone so why ... why was he .... had someone else made him go away?

How could the mindlink just disappear?! He hadn't even felt it because he was even further away. James was the one that had noticed. Then they went there, before sam and Alec could  return. Why would Jacob keep this from him! How dare he!

'Members of the pack law are meeting them there.' James said.
Just to be sure.
They were fine.
They where gonna be fine! They had to!

'I'll come to.' But the moment he got up a force of magic pulled him back. Like wires stuck to his bones tearing him back to the ground. Alecs whimpered in pain.
Jacob grabbed him and Sam called his name.
'Sil is alive.... his deal is still intact...' Sam  mumbled.
'You can't leave... even if you wanted to. You can't leave until the oath has been completed.'

A tear crept down his cheek
'I can go to the town. Why can't I go there!?' Blood magic was old magic. From the times of Salem and the witches being burned at stakes. New magic was different. Less complicated. But easy to be messed with.
'Because Sil used magic to enroll you into the local college... the town is part of the oaths magic... going home is against the rules...' Sam thought out load. He ran his hands thru his hair frustrated.

Alec didn't wanne hear it...
His heart felt like it was tearing up.
It was so silent.... it was like an empty lake.... there was nothing there anymore.
If James and Kit weren't here... they... they could have been gone to... or maybe... maybe they were dead... no!

'Its all my fault.' Alec whispered. Clenching his fist, bowing his head to the floor.
'Don't go there Alec. It's not.' Jacob warned him.
He gripped his shoulder.
'Your safe here. They will do what they can and come back!'
Alec gripped his sweater right above his heart.
This was what misery really felt like.
Other people dying or in trouble and they're was nothing you could do. The silence was smothering him...

Alec hardly knew when Jacob lifted him up and brought him to a room. He had sat there for hours. Trying to find something in the dark and empty space that now lived in his mind.
He didn't even bother to close his eyes when Jacob wrapped his armes around him.
Jacob fell asleep hugging him close to his chest.
But Alec couldn't .
He failed them.
He didn't protect them...
He didn't know they were in danger.
He didn't know if they were alive or not..
He didn't protect them.......or fraya.

'I have failed her.'

'Who?!' Jacob asked. It was morning and Alec was sitting on Jacobs  bed. He had placed his laptop on his desk in the corner, working on Alfa matters, cause he didn't want to leave alec alone. He was worried about him. Tried to get him to eat. But Alec couldn't get one bite in. He felt sick.
'Fraya. I am not lettting another one of my wolfs get hurt.' What if they were all...
'I will talk to the council... pack law Will contact us once they arrive. I am sure they are fine.' That was a lie. He knew nothing!

'That doesn't help them now!' Alec whimpered.
'She could be hurt, she could be killed. I can't just sit here and wait for that to happen. What kind of a friend does that make me. What kind of a Alfa...'
'Your not an Alfa.' Jacob frowned and unknowingly released some of his Alfa pheromones into the room. Alec shuddered from the force of it. Gripped the covers not to fall to the ground.

'Doesn't matter I have to do something.'
'No... you have to stay here. I will take care of it.' He stood up and walked to the bed. Caressing Alecs cheek.
'Don't worry ... They will be alright! Please just stay here.'
Alec nodded but it just felt wrong. He couldn't leave even if he wanted to. For three more days. He was stuck just waiting! Three more days until Sunday around four in the afternoon. Than the oath would break.

'What about James en Kit. We haven't heard from them. I don't even feel them in the link right now. What if they are hurt... can't we just go there! If you come with me...'
'Why not...' Jacob turned around and walked to his desk.
'Its to dangerous... I am not losing you again!'
Alec sighed.
You'll loose me if you do this... Alec wanted to say. But he couldn't ...
His wolf was so silent in the back of his mind. Trying to find a connection.. or anything to the others.

'I should have been there.'
'Don't do that...'
Alec knew Jacob meant well but it didn't help.
Jacob sighed and walked over taking him in his arms.
Alec wanted to protest but he needed someone to hold him right now.
Anyone really. He needed the warmth... he needed to know he wasn't ...
To know he wasn't just here all alone being useless...
Jacob kissed his cheek.
'I am not going back to school Tomorrow.' It was a Friday anyway.

'Sitting here and waiting isn't gonna make them come back faster.'
'I can't go there pretending nothing is wrong.'
'They'll be fine. They'll come back soon. And ...and I am sure that they'll find Sil.. wherever he is. They will fix your mindlink..'
That was one thing that bothered Alec beyond repair.
The most powerful warlock of this realm... he wouldn't just sit by and watch his... his familie get taken... or hurt.
He would fight to the bitter end. So where was he?!

Why was like he and the wolfs had disappeared of the face of the earth.
Was he gone for something and they knew and that's why they attacked? Where they somewhere is in an magic realm where he couldn't sense them anymore?
Did he take them when they where attacked. Or was he gone and didn't even know about everything yet.
But he would have come back the moment he felt the wards getting triggered. They couldn't be attacked... could they...?
Sil was powerful. So why was the link gone?
Why couldn't he sense anyone!
Alec hated himself for being stuck here.
What if they really were....
But who or what could possible stop the most powerfull warlock...

Being here made it feel like maybe it wasn't true. Maybe they weren't really gone. Maybe it was just cause he was to far away.
Alec started crying when his mother came by to see if he was alright after hearing something had happened to his mindlink.
He cried when she wrapped her arms around her.
They knew what it must feel like.
A link just didn't disappear...
If Jacob lost the link to his entire pack... he would feel like this to.

He had failed them.
It was...it could really be...
What if it was... what if it really was his fault.

And he didn't know if he could live with that...

A little bit of a breakdown story... Alecs worst fear coming true!
Losing his family....
I am so sorry my baby! What do you think happend to Sil and the castle filled with runaway wolfs and shifters?

And why didn't kit and James wait for Alec?

And.... we're did Bane go? 🤔

We will have some other people P.O.V. Very soon !

Thank you for 500 reads and 30 votes! So happy people are reading my story! Please vote or comment or anything? I would really like to know the peops who read this!

Also I am working on a little short story I am close to finishing so I will start uploading it soon!

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