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The yellow car stopped when it couldn't drive any further because of a big dead wolf on the road. Maybe just maybe they should have hired a nanny....

'I'll carry Jamie!' Damian declared and he jumped out of the car without hesitation.
'No! I am his father, I will carry him. I don't trust you with my child.' Sillias hurried to get out. The all knowing thing got out of the car slowly and looked up to the burning pack house with a calm and composed look.
'We are just in time.' They said.

'I don't trust you with your child either.' Damian said ignoring the thing.
Damian ended up carrying Jamie in the little carrier. And they followed the white haired non human because he seemed to know where to go. And sillias was stil struggling with his new fatherhood.

The magic repressing the mindlink and his own magic had fallen yesterday. Out of nowhere all the pressure was gone. He didn't really care how it had happened. Only that he now could try and locate his friends. His remaining friends...
Alec, James en kit. And most importantly little Fraya.

The creature let them into the woods.
'Uh! I don't want to be rude but uh....'
'I want to be rude. The battle is over there, what the fuck are you doing!?'
Sillias glared at Damian. But telling him not to curse in front of his child only made him curse more and Jamie was really chill in the titan grip of the rouge wolf... maybe Damian would be a good babysitter!?

They followed him and about when Damian lost whatever calm he had they ran into a big hidden building with a big hole in the side.
'Ah...' Damian said.
'That is a hole.' Why on earth did he think that boy would be helpful?
The thing entered the building to the hole and smiled at a very dirty and smelly young chained dragon.

'Never thought I would be happy to see you!' The dragon said.
The thing crouched down and made a weird motion with his hand. A weird symbol glowed up and the chains fell of. Like some sort of weird rune.
'Is that a baby?' The young beta wolf asked looking at his son.
'This is my son Jamie. And this is Damian. And I don't know his name.'

'We have no name.' The thing opened Sam his chains to.
'Ooh... kee.... uhm... James and Kit are in the cel on the end.'
'I made a hole.' Bane added.
'Good job buddy, I am proud of you.'
'Damn... that was a real dad moment you had there.' Damian mocked him. The thing and Bane went to the other cel to get the other.

'His ass is starting to smell bad.'
'Oh.... Uh... we'll get him changed after the battle.'
'Right let me just tell the baby to hold it up till we are done killing people.'
Damian rolled his eyes.
'Your dad is an idiot.' He told Jamie.
'But your uncle Damian is pretty cool so let's go get a diaper.'
'Don't go of on your own!' Sil yelled.
But he was already gone.

He would probably see his child again right.... ?

'Sil!' He ran to the back were James was sitting with a pale little blue haired boy laying over his legs. He reminded him of his own son so much it physically hurt to see him like this. Kit was the sweetest thing ever. He was like a cinnamon roll you dipped in blue die and decorated with sprinkles and happiness.

'His energy is fading.'
'Is he gonna die?' Bane's hands were shaking. James pressed on the wound harder.
'I did not give him permission for that! Fix him! 'He growled.
Sil kinda felt like doing what he said cause a angry James was pretty scary.

'I will stay with him. You are needed in the battle. The Alfa mates are in trouble.' The thing with the white hair and such light grey eyes they were creepy as fuck... sorry Jamie... said while making light glow up out of kits belly. Like he broke a glowstick or something. He may be the most terrifying thing Sil had ever met.

'When I come back you will be fine.' James ordered
Kit smiled softly and nodded. A tear trickling down his cheek.
He would not be... Sil wanted to kneel down grab him and never let the boy go. He was so good! Why did he have to get hurt. Why!

They had to leave them behind.
'Find the Alfa mate. Before the prophecy is set in motion!' The White haired thing said.
'Hold up a minute! What prophecy?!'
James grabbed his arm and dragged him away.
'Fuck that guy, let's find Alec! '
'No james, when people talk about prophecies things go terribly wrong and very bad stuff happens! I need to know!'

Sil did not find out what prophecy he was talking about. Until he felt it.
Like a knife ripping right thru his inner core. Like the energie of his magic just broke in a half and the two half's would never fit together again. He gasped for breath.

'Something bad is happening.'
'Something bad will be happening once I get my hands on that fucking Alfa!' James roared before he shifted in a big dangerous wolf and ran of.
Sam claps his hands together.
'I... uhm... imma do that... too. So yea..' he shifted to and left.

This was very very bad.

He was over four thousand years old he could fight on his own. He didn't need people to hold his hand. That was not the reason he built a castle because he didn't like being alone. No not at all..

'I can do this.'
There was a big explosion that made the ground shake like a small earthquake had hit it.
'I can not do this! James!'

Yellow, so I hope my story kinda makes sense. It's the first time in a long time that I actually finished one and tried to go for a solid plot. So... yea.
I might go back later to change stuff because I think I need more built up to allisons sacrifice. Like a tiny bit more.
So the thing is back!
The one with no name who saw Allison 😏 and also Damian ran of with a baby to find diapers, in the middle of a warzone cause he is Damian!

I hope you liked the chapter! I will probably have a double update this week cause it's a sucky week and I feel like it! Please comment, vote and follow!
Thank you!

Also special thanks for the votes and comments to
Tormole and Subaru-dono 😘

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