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James was born to be a rouge. He was just made to be this way. To have no compassion. To have no more love. To be alone. To fight alone. To die alone. So to die with someone else by his side had never even crossed his mind. He didn't know where his people were... his brother...
They could have been dead and he would not even know.

But he wasn't one to sit back and watch the world burn. No he was the one to set the world on fire and make sure everyone that needed to burn would feel the flames.

So he wasn't gonna wait around until that little shit was gonna kill them and then force his mark upon Alec. Alec wasn't stupid so he was gonna figure things out soon.

He would find out Kit and himself weren't really going to find out what had happened to the mindlink. That they would never leave without saying goodbye. He would maybe even figure out that the moment James felt the mindlink die, ten strong warrior wolfs ran into their room to take them down.
They failed of course.
Because James would never let his guard down like that.
But Kit was hurt. Real bad. And they didn't have anyone they could trust anymore. And Alec was still with the little human girl.

Bane was taken to. And that little beta boy was now a nomad. He smelled lone wolf even from the little cel all the way in the back. Kit had his little blue haired head on his lap. Lips twisted from the pain. James hand on the wound to prevent him from bleeding out. His blood covering to many things around them. Kit was a strong little thing. He wasn't gonna die. He wouldn't let him!

One thing that didn't make sense was that the link he had with Kit and Alec was gone to. So that meant either Alec was dead and Kit would die within seconds from now. Or they had they're own little warlock thingie.

They also now had the power of two sadly, well trained Wolfpack's. And they could have already killed Sil and all the others by now. And he wouldn't even know.
But Silias Coraen was a old and powerful thing. Even if he dressed himself like a weirdo. With his stupid purple polka dot short and bikerboots. And those ugly little leave shit on his skin. How would they even kill him?
They couldn't kill nymphs..... but if they burned the threes that housed them...

'We need to get out of this cell.' He grumbled to Kit who was looking at him with his big brown eyes. They had been together for two years. That wasn't nearly enough time. So they would just have to get out and live longer before he would be satisfied.
He hadn't had nearly enough time to be with the others as well.

'How?' His small little voice asked.
He didn't know.
He had absolutely no clue whatsoever.
So he didn't give the boy an answer.

Someone had once called him ruthless.
One time a long time before he had found his brothers. In a time he was.
In a time he was a monster. A half rouge, lost thing that killed what he wanted and never lost any sleep over it whatsoever.
But if they touched what was his...

He would make sure they understood the meaning of ruthless.

First they would escape.
Then they would find anyone who had survived this little planned assassination.
And then they would make sure something like this would never happen again.
The ask creek pack and the red claw would cease to exist.
He would personally make sure of it.

Especially if that asshole had put his filthy little hands on Fraya!

He would make sure the basterd suffered long and painfully. Rip his hands clean of his body. Maybe even go one finger at a time.

He hadn't even known he was falling until he had hit the ground.
By then it was already to late. And his heart now belonged to a little black haired girl with the most beautiful green sparkling eyes he had ever seen.
And he would die without having proven to her that she deserved every bit of love he was capable of giving.

'Am I going to die?' Kit was pale. To pale to be healthy. Also his wolf healing still hadn't kicked in yet...so he might.
'Yes,' James told him, tucking a lock of bright blue hair out of his face. 'But not right now. We are not done yet.'
'When are we done?' He asked the ghost of a smile on his lips.
'When I say we are.'

If he had to become a real rouge wolf without any humanity left inside of him, to make sure his family survived. He would.

He wasn't one to watch the world burn.
So he was just gonna have to set it on fire himself.

Yeahhh 1k reads and over 60 votes! Thank you for this milestone! Let's go for the 2k next! I hope you like a little chapter in James pov.

Did anyone see this little romance coming and do you think he will find a way to get time with her?

Thank for reading and I hope you vote or comment it makes me so happy! 😘

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